Thursday, 28 January 2016

A Prophetic Exparable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins

In a recent blog, Kevin Mirasi, a prophet, revealed what the Lord is showing him concerning the parable of the wise and foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13).

1-They both took their Lamps and went out to meet the Bridegroom:

-Meaning that they both desired to worship and to serve The LORD, as they heard the message of the coming of The Messiah (The LORD Jesus Christ). They thus even attended Church services and fellowships, including even Bible Studies.

2-The Foolish Ones Took Lamps but no Oil, while the wise Ones took Lamps as well as Oil:

-Meaning that the foolish ones heard the message but they were superfluously excited and so did receive the message shallowly and so it quickly “evaporated”. The devil actually came and took it away from them.

The Wise ones heard the message and received it deeply i.e. they opened their hearts and allowed the message to sink very deep within them and to be firmly rooted within them. The wise ones thus yielded to and allowed The Holy Spirit to sanctify them and to firm them up. The Foolish ones on the other hand resisted The Holy Spirit and they relied on their own human wisdom, human doctrines and Self-Righteousness.

3-The Wise ones had vessels while the foolish ones did not even have vessels:

-Meaning that the wise ones allowed The LORD to Purify them, Refine them, Wash them, Cleanse them and Sanctify them so that they became Vessels of Honour; worthy and acceptable before The LORD and Ready to be used by The LORD for the Glory and Honour of His Mighty Name..

4-Both of them Slumbered and Slept as they both felt that The Bridegroom Delayed:

-Meaning that they both grew weary of waiting for the coming of The Messiah.
-Both of them were eventually awakened from their very deep midnight sleep (slumber).

5-At Midnight a Cry was Heard:

-Meaning that very late in the night (when already the birth pains and the distresses of the hour) had heavily taken its toll on the darkening earth, and evil and wickedness had increased tremendously on the earth, The LORD sent forth His Servants to proclaim the imminent arrival of The Messiah and the need to Prepare The Way in earnest for the Coming of The Messiah.

These were very bold Servants of The LORD whose Primary proclamation was: “Prepare Yee The Way of The LORD, and make Straight Path for The LORD!!!”

Normally at night, the sound is very clear, very loud and travels longer distance. Meaning that the Shouts (Cry/Proclamation) covers far and wide and all corners of the earth. Literally everywhere then hears this “Final” proclamations, because it was made at "midnight." Many people are normally very deep asleep at midnight, and only a shout or a Cry can wake them up from their very deep sleep (slumber) at midnight. So both the Wise Ones and the Foolish Ones were thus very deep asleep at midnight as well, and only a Great Spiritual awakening could wake them up from their very deep slumber.

6-Both of them Arose and Trimmed their Lamps:

-Meaning that both of them heard the proclamation by the Servants of The LORD about the imminent arrival of The LORD and so the need of Preparing The Way for The Coming of The LORD and making Straight the Path of The LORD.

It is very important to note that The Wise Ones (Virgins) awakened and Prepared in earnest for the coming of The LORD by making Straight path for Him. The Foolish ones awoke as well but did not Prepare the way for the coming of The LORD.

7-The Lamp of the Foolish Ones Was Going Out, while the Lamp of the Wise Ones was Shinning Very Bright:

-Meaning that the form of worship by the Foolish Ones was defiled and laced with the lusts of the flesh, and the garment they put on was soiled, darkened and full of spots and wrinkles.

They had veered off the Road of Purity, Faithfulness and Humility before The LORD and so had allowed Impurity (The Worldly lifestyles) and Pride to enter them.

That same Worldly lifestyle and a compromised way of life that they had been so much used to is the one the wise ones teased them into; because essentially they had chose to serve the world.
“Choose Yee whom you will serve, but for us we will serve The LORD!!!”

The Wise Ones had embraced Repentance for the forgiveness of their sins and thereby walking in Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ.

8-The Foolish Ones went to Buy Oil for their Lamps that were Going Out:

-The Foolish ones in their foolishness confirmed their foolishness status and stature because they unbelievably actually went to the World to get the oil for their Lamps. They were essentially attempting to buy their way into the Kingdom of The LORD God Almighty in Heaven, as they had been so used to the Corruption, False Miracles and Prosperity gospel to the extent that they now believed that they could bribe their way to Heaven.

9-The Bridegroom Came and Found the Wise Ones Ready, while the Foolish Ones were nowhere to be found:

-The wise ones were Ready as their Garment was Bright, White and Spotless having submitted themselves before The LORD for Purification, Cleansing, Washing, Refining and Sanctification through the Blood, The Holy Fire and the anointing of The Holy Spirit.

“Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)

10-Those who were Ready went in with the Bridegroom to the Wedding and the Door was Shut:

-Meaning that the Bridegroom took the wise ones to the Wedding Supper of The Lamb and shut the door, as it was now “Invited -Guests Only”, “Private Members Only” Grand Ceremony, hence no room for intruders, trouble-makers and non-invited guests.


Are you a Wise One (Virgin) or a Foolish One (Virgin)? Let Us make every effort through the Help of The Holy Spirit (The Oil for the Lamp) so that we be Watchful and be Ready for the Coming of The Messiah Jesus Christ to take to Heaven His Faithful Sons and Daughters (The Bride of Christ/The Invited Guests). This is the hour of Spiritual awakening; may we yield to the awakening of The Holy Spirit and Prepare the way for the coming of The LORD.



Precious Jesus,
I acknowledge today that you are LORD and savior of all mankind,
and today I have recognized my shortfall,
I repent and turn away from all sin.
Please cover me with your precious blood,
and establish your word in my life,
that I may be found in righteousness and holiness
and write my name in your book of life
and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit
in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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