The earth is about to welcome the year of 2016, but what is the Spiritual significance of this upcoming year. The Year 2016 will be a year of turnaround; it will be a year of very massive judgments of The LORD, but also a year of very massive revival.
In October 2015, The LORD made me know that the year 2016 will be a year of very historic judgments of The LORD i.e. there will be very many unprecedented distresses that will befall the earth in the year 2016. In other words, there will be escalation to an unprecedented level of distresses on the earth in the year 2016, in many nations of the earth.
The earth will start seeing increased levels of judgments of The LORD, but at the same time many will finally open their hearts to The LORD, even in the midst of the increased judgments of the LORD. In whatever situation or circumstance you find yourself in, be still and know that He is God; He will always shelter and Protect His own. There will thus be a Spiritual awakening to levels never seen before in many nations.
There will be an increased acceleration of confrontation between U.S.A and Russia culminating eventually to a military confrontation, conflict and war in the years ahead; 2016 will provide a platform for this.This He made me know way back on August 2013. Many more other distresses and judgments of The LORD will manifest on the earth and will significantly start to take shape.. Keep your eyes on events happening in Israel; she remains the ultimate timepiece of The LORD.
Many hearts will be opened to The LORD, in many nations, especially in The United States of America where many will finally run to The LORD in the midst of distresses of the hour, there will thus be a Spiritual awakening in the midst of the Judgments of The LORD, they will thus open their hearts to The LORD and be willing to partake of His Pure Word and Pure Message; the message of preparing the way for the coming of the LORD Jesus Christ, by embracing Repentance for the forgiveness of their sins through the Blood of The LORD Jesus Christ and thereby walking in Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ. Yet many others will still cling to their hearts of stone; the unrepentant heart.
So if you have been serving and worshipping The LORD in Spirit and in Truth, The Year 2016 is a Year when you need to continue doing so to an even higher manner. While if you have not been following the ways and the Requirements of The LORD, 2016 is a year when you can immediately start the journey on the Narrow path; the road that leads to the Kingdom of The LORD God Almighty in Heaven for the Eternal Life.
Have a Blessed moment in The LORD; Let the Year 2016 be a Year when you and me will Serve and Worship The LORD in Spirit and in Truth.
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Prophet Kevin Mirasi: Year 2016 Will Be a Year of Turnaround
In a recent blog, Kevin Mirasi, a prophet, revealed what the Lord is showing him about the coming Year 2016:
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
BITTER HYMN OF THE TIGER MOTHER: Straight A Student Commits Suicide Over B-Grades, Mother Takes Her Own Life Months Later
Judging from the sales of the bestseller "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother",
many parents seem to have taken to the perfectionistic parenting
philosophy of the author, Amy Chua, but not realising that there could
be a flip (and detrimental) side to it.
Writing in The Wall Street Journal, Chua disclosed that in raising up her two daughters Sophia and Louisa, she forbade them to "get any grade less than an A" or to "not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama".
"Chinese parents can order their kids to get straight As. Western parents can only ask their kids to try their best. Chinese parents can say, "You're lazy. All your classmates are getting ahead of you."" wrote Chua in The Wall Street Journal.
"Chinese parents demand perfect grades because they believe that their child can get them. If their child doesn't get them, the Chinese parent assumes it's because the child didn't work hard enough. That's why the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate, punish and shame the child. The Chinese parent believes that their child will be strong enough to take the shaming and to improve from it."
Now, Chua may have succeeded in raising her two daughters this way, but one should be cautious about emulating her, as highlighted by a recent case in Singapore.
Recently, a straight-As student who attended a top school in Singapore committed suicide over scoring two Bs in her GCE "O" levels, reported Singaporean daily, The New Paper.
The GCE "O" levels is the final exam for teenage secondary school students in Singapore and except for two Bs - in English and Mathematics - the student had scored distinctions for her other subjects.
The only child left a note for her parents: "Mum, I am sorry for being a disappointment. I should have done better."
"Dad, I am sorry you will not have the chance to walk me down the (church) aisle to give me away."
The teenager jumped to her death just three hours after learning of her results.
To add to the tragedy, three months after the 16-year-old had plunged to her death, the teen's mother also killed herself.
According to Madam Ng Siang Mui, the grandmother of the teenager, the teen's mother had been grief-stricken and guilt-ridden over her granddaughter's death.
The teen's parents used to fight over their daughter's education. The mum wanted to push her to excel and her dad felt that the child should be left alone.
Said Madam Ng, "My Xiao Mei (her granddaughter's nickname) was always affected whenever her parents fought over her studies."
"My son-in-law felt very sorry for his daughter. He used to approach me to help him talk to my daughter, to ask her not to push Xiao Mei too hard. He felt that they should let Xiao Mei be, as she was a good girl."
"Whenever I tried to broach the issue with my daughter, she'd get angry and tell me not to interfere with the way she wanted to bring her child up."
"She often compared Xiao Mei's results with those of her friends' children and would ask, 'How come so and so can do this and you cannot?'"
Xiao Mei's mother wanted her to get into medical school.
Madam Ng said that a month after Xiao Mei's death, her father moved out.
"That broke my daughter's heart. I think it was then that she, too, gave up living."
Madam Ng recalled the conversation she had with her daughter a day before she killed herself.
"She told me, 'Ma, I shouldn't have pressurised Xiao Mei in her studies. You didn't do that to us when we were young and we all turned out fine'."
According to The New Paper, Xiao Mei's father is now mentally unstable and seeking psychiatric help.
Madam Ng was originally reluctant to speak to the media, but changed her mind later because she hoped that sharing their story could help save lives.
It should be highlighted that Xiao Mei is Chinese, and her profile fits that which Amy Chua had written in the The Wall Street Journal about children raised in Chinese homes.
That said, although Chua esteems the draconian Chinese approach in pushing their children to achieve academically, it's clear from Xiao Mei's case that there is a detrimental aspect of it, which Chua did not mention in her book.
Above: Amy Chua (author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) with Hillary Clinton (Source: Facebook)
Writing in The Wall Street Journal, Chua disclosed that in raising up her two daughters Sophia and Louisa, she forbade them to "get any grade less than an A" or to "not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama".
"Chinese parents can order their kids to get straight As. Western parents can only ask their kids to try their best. Chinese parents can say, "You're lazy. All your classmates are getting ahead of you."" wrote Chua in The Wall Street Journal.
"Chinese parents demand perfect grades because they believe that their child can get them. If their child doesn't get them, the Chinese parent assumes it's because the child didn't work hard enough. That's why the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate, punish and shame the child. The Chinese parent believes that their child will be strong enough to take the shaming and to improve from it."
Now, Chua may have succeeded in raising her two daughters this way, but one should be cautious about emulating her, as highlighted by a recent case in Singapore.
Recently, a straight-As student who attended a top school in Singapore committed suicide over scoring two Bs in her GCE "O" levels, reported Singaporean daily, The New Paper.
The GCE "O" levels is the final exam for teenage secondary school students in Singapore and except for two Bs - in English and Mathematics - the student had scored distinctions for her other subjects.
The only child left a note for her parents: "Mum, I am sorry for being a disappointment. I should have done better."
"Dad, I am sorry you will not have the chance to walk me down the (church) aisle to give me away."
The teenager jumped to her death just three hours after learning of her results.
To add to the tragedy, three months after the 16-year-old had plunged to her death, the teen's mother also killed herself.
According to Madam Ng Siang Mui, the grandmother of the teenager, the teen's mother had been grief-stricken and guilt-ridden over her granddaughter's death.
The teen's parents used to fight over their daughter's education. The mum wanted to push her to excel and her dad felt that the child should be left alone.
Said Madam Ng, "My Xiao Mei (her granddaughter's nickname) was always affected whenever her parents fought over her studies."
"My son-in-law felt very sorry for his daughter. He used to approach me to help him talk to my daughter, to ask her not to push Xiao Mei too hard. He felt that they should let Xiao Mei be, as she was a good girl."
"Whenever I tried to broach the issue with my daughter, she'd get angry and tell me not to interfere with the way she wanted to bring her child up."
"She often compared Xiao Mei's results with those of her friends' children and would ask, 'How come so and so can do this and you cannot?'"
Xiao Mei's mother wanted her to get into medical school.
Madam Ng said that a month after Xiao Mei's death, her father moved out.
"That broke my daughter's heart. I think it was then that she, too, gave up living."
Madam Ng recalled the conversation she had with her daughter a day before she killed herself.
"She told me, 'Ma, I shouldn't have pressurised Xiao Mei in her studies. You didn't do that to us when we were young and we all turned out fine'."
According to The New Paper, Xiao Mei's father is now mentally unstable and seeking psychiatric help.
Madam Ng was originally reluctant to speak to the media, but changed her mind later because she hoped that sharing their story could help save lives.
It should be highlighted that Xiao Mei is Chinese, and her profile fits that which Amy Chua had written in the The Wall Street Journal about children raised in Chinese homes.
That said, although Chua esteems the draconian Chinese approach in pushing their children to achieve academically, it's clear from Xiao Mei's case that there is a detrimental aspect of it, which Chua did not mention in her book.
Above: Amy Chua (author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) with Hillary Clinton (Source: Facebook)
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Dragged Into Hell by a Demon: The Near-Death Experience of Churchgoer and Ex U.S. Marine Shawn Weed, Who Warns Lukewarm Christians That They Risk Ending Up in Hell Unless They Repent
Shawn Weed is a U.S. Marines veteran, and years ago, when he was
still in the Marines, he was horsing around with his buddies one day,
when he accidentally suffocated himself with a noose.
For 8 long minutes, Shawn’s soul left his body, and he found himself in a place which the bible calls the “outer darkness” (Matthew 8:12), alone with a very strong and grotesque, 13-feet tall demon, that grabbed Shawn by his feet, and at great speed, raced towards the fiery regions of hell.
Fortunately, the demon was stopped by an angel (who referred to himself as Michael), and after releasing Shawn from the demon’s captivity, the angel told Shawn that his “time had not yet come” and that he (Shawn) needed to go.
Immediately, Shawn’s soul was reunited with his body, but it took Shawn a good 20 minutes before he Shawn regained full recovery.
Ironically, Shawn had been a church-goer, yet his soul could have so nearly remained in hell for good. In his amazing testimony, which can be watched in the Youtube channel below, Shawn warns lukewarm, churchgoing Christians that they risk ending up in hell (just like he nearly did) unless they repented and devoted the rest of their lives to God.
Said Shawn, “I’m not a bad guy. I’ve never murdered anyone. I’ve never molested any children. I’ve never raped any women or done anything drastic that you know would cause you to be placed in hell for sure.”
“For me, I was just an average person – sure, I drank a few beers and smoked a few cigarettes [but] I wasn’t into drugs.”
“I was just an average guy. I go to church every once in a while, you know, so I didn't really pitch myself as bad, not bad enough to end up in hell.”
“But the one thing I understand now is that there are plenty of good people in there – a lot of people that used to call themselves Christian are there and it is because they didn’t really devote their life to God. They lived one foot in and one foot out, like I did.”
“You don’t have to be a bad person to go to hell. All you have to do is be “average”, and God doesn’t call us to be average, He calls us to be holy like He is.”
“What that really means is that you don’t have to be a bible-thumping Christian, but you should devote your life to God as much as you possible can.”
“[But] if that puts me in the category of bible-thumping Christians, then so be it. I’d rather be that than being in the “middle”, because I know where being in the middle gets you – it gets you in the same place as being fully against Him gets you.”
Reflecting on Revelations 3:16 (where Jesus had said “So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”), Shawn said, “I don't want to be that (“average”, lukewarm Christian) again."
"I don’t want to go back to hell. I know what is there.”
For 8 long minutes, Shawn’s soul left his body, and he found himself in a place which the bible calls the “outer darkness” (Matthew 8:12), alone with a very strong and grotesque, 13-feet tall demon, that grabbed Shawn by his feet, and at great speed, raced towards the fiery regions of hell.
Fortunately, the demon was stopped by an angel (who referred to himself as Michael), and after releasing Shawn from the demon’s captivity, the angel told Shawn that his “time had not yet come” and that he (Shawn) needed to go.
Immediately, Shawn’s soul was reunited with his body, but it took Shawn a good 20 minutes before he Shawn regained full recovery.
Ironically, Shawn had been a church-goer, yet his soul could have so nearly remained in hell for good. In his amazing testimony, which can be watched in the Youtube channel below, Shawn warns lukewarm, churchgoing Christians that they risk ending up in hell (just like he nearly did) unless they repented and devoted the rest of their lives to God.
Said Shawn, “I’m not a bad guy. I’ve never murdered anyone. I’ve never molested any children. I’ve never raped any women or done anything drastic that you know would cause you to be placed in hell for sure.”
“For me, I was just an average person – sure, I drank a few beers and smoked a few cigarettes [but] I wasn’t into drugs.”
“I was just an average guy. I go to church every once in a while, you know, so I didn't really pitch myself as bad, not bad enough to end up in hell.”
“But the one thing I understand now is that there are plenty of good people in there – a lot of people that used to call themselves Christian are there and it is because they didn’t really devote their life to God. They lived one foot in and one foot out, like I did.”
“You don’t have to be a bad person to go to hell. All you have to do is be “average”, and God doesn’t call us to be average, He calls us to be holy like He is.”
“What that really means is that you don’t have to be a bible-thumping Christian, but you should devote your life to God as much as you possible can.”
“[But] if that puts me in the category of bible-thumping Christians, then so be it. I’d rather be that than being in the “middle”, because I know where being in the middle gets you – it gets you in the same place as being fully against Him gets you.”
Reflecting on Revelations 3:16 (where Jesus had said “So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”), Shawn said, “I don't want to be that (“average”, lukewarm Christian) again."
"I don’t want to go back to hell. I know what is there.”
Monday, 28 December 2015
If God is Good, Why Do Some Christians Suffer from Terminal Cancer -- The True Testimony of the Late Singaporean Aesthetics Doctor, Dr Richard Teo Keng Seng
God is good. But some might scoff, "If God is good, why do some Christians suffer from terminal cancer?"
There are no easy answers to this question, and if you are a believer who does suffer from terminal cancer, you might take some comfort from the true story of the late Dr Richard Teo Keng Seng.
Dr Teo had everything that most Singaporeans could aspire to by the time he was in his 30s -- wealth measured in millions of dollars, a thriving aesthetics practice, and sports cars, including a Ferrari 430.
"I'm a typical product of today's society," said Dr Teo in a speech in November 2011.
"From young, I’ve always been under the influence and impression that to be happy is to be successful. And to be successful, is to be wealthy. So I led my life according to this motto."
Despite being born into a poor family, Dr Teo excelled in his studies and was accepted in medical school.
In medical school, he chose the quick way to big bucks -- by switching from opthalmology to aesthetics.
The move paid handsomely for him, and in the first year, his cosmetic surgery clinic 'was raking in millions'.
Dr Teo's newly-made wealth opened the door to high-society life. He loved dinning at Michelin-rated restaurants and rubbing shoulders with celebrities.
Dr Teo also loved life in the fast lane and, at the pinnacle of his life, owned sports cars like the Honda S2000, Subaru WRX, Nissan GTR and a Ferrari 430.
On how he would spend his weekends, Dr Teo said, "Typically, I'd have car club gatherings. I'd take out my track car and go up to Sepang in Malaysia for car racing. It was my life."
Dr Teo had no time for God although he had been baptised many years earlier. When his friends experienced a personal revival, they advised Dr Teo to return to church with them, but their advice fell on stony ground.
"In my arrogance, I told them, “You know what? You go tell your pastor to change his sermon to 2pm and I will consider coming to church,” said Dr Teo.
In his arrogance, Dr Teo also uttered the following statement to his friends, "If God really wanted me to come back to church, He will give me a sign."
It was a statement which he later said he would live to rue, because by the end of 3 weeks, he would -- without first being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer -- find himself back in church.
Said Dr Teo, "My whole world just turned upside down. I couldn’t accept it. I have a hundred relatives on both sides -- my mom's and my dad's -- and not a single one has cancer. To my mind, I have good genes, I’m not supposed to be having this! Some of my relatives are heavy chain smokers. Why am I having lung cancer? I was in denial."
Dr Teo, "There I was lying on the operating table, staring blankly at
the ceiling in a cold, quiet operating theatre. Suddenly, I heard an
inner voice; it was not coming from the outside; it was inside. This
small inner voice was one that I had never felt before. And it said very
specifically: “This has to happen to you, at your prime, because it’s
the only way you can understand.”"
"I said, “Woah, where did that come from?” You know, when you speak to yourself, you’d say [something like] 'what time should I leave this place?' [or] 'where shall I have dinner after this?'. You’d speak from a first person point of view...whereas the voice that came spoke as a third party. It said, “This has to happen to YOU, at YOUR prime, because this is the only way YOU can understand.” At that time, my emotions just overflowed and I broke down and cried alone there."
Dr Teo did later understand why the 'small inner voice' had told him that this was the 'only way' he could be made to understand. Explained Dr Teo, "I was just so full of myself that there was no other way I could have turned back to God."
God continued speaking to him.
Said Dr Teo, "I was in bed one afternoon, struggling and asking God, “Why? Why do I have to go through this suffering? Why do I have to endure this hardship, this struggle? Why me?”
"As I fell asleep, in my dreamy state, a vision came and said 'Hebrews 12:7-8'."
"Now, mind you, at this time, I had not read the bible [and] had no clue what’s Hebrews. I don’t even know how many chapters there are. Totally clueless."
"But it (the vision) said 'Hebrews 12:7-8', very specifically."
"I didn’t think too much of it [and] continued sleeping. After I woke up, and I said [to myself], “What’s there to lose? I’d check it out.” Danny (Dr Teo's close friend, who had previously advised him to return to church) had bought me a bible; it’s still quite new... So I flipped to the Old Testament. Hebrews to me sounds like something ancient, so it should be in the Old Testament right? So I flipped through the Old Testament. No Hebrews there. I was so disappointed."
"Then I said, “Maybe [it's in the] New Testament; let’s have a look!”. WOW -- New Testament; there’s Hebrew’s!! [And turning to] Hebrews 12:7-8, it said, “Endure hardship as discipline as God is treating you as His children.”"
"I said, “WAH!! Where did that come from?” I was getting goose pimples all over my body. I said, “This can’t be, right?” I mean, what’s the chance of somebody who has never read the bible to have a vision of a chapter [and] a specific verse that answers my question directly?"
"So at that point, I was sold [and] said [to God], “YOU WIN! YOU WIN!!”"
"From that day onwards, I started believing in my God. And the last time I heard that inner voice was [at] the end of April. And that inner voice -- same thing, in the afternoon, as I was sleeping. In a dreamy state, I just heard Him say, “Help others in hardship.”"
"It was more like a command, rather than a statement. And that’s when I embarked on this journey [of] helping others in hardship."
Dr Teo obeyed the command up to the day of his death. He reached out to numerous individuals, including single mothers, insurance agents, medical students, cancer patients and church members.
Mrs Teo, Dr Teo's wife, told The New Paper, "He wanted to inspire those facing hardships, that life has more to offer than to be filled with hatred and emptiness".
Dr Teo was adamant in getting his message across even as he lay sick and dying. According to Mrs Teo, a day before her husband died, his laptop was filled with new sets of photos to be shown to his audience. He had also been working on a new speech.
Dr Teo's inspiring testimony of God's dealing with him can be watched in the Youtube link below.
There are no easy answers to this question, and if you are a believer who does suffer from terminal cancer, you might take some comfort from the true story of the late Dr Richard Teo Keng Seng.
Dr Teo had everything that most Singaporeans could aspire to by the time he was in his 30s -- wealth measured in millions of dollars, a thriving aesthetics practice, and sports cars, including a Ferrari 430.
"I'm a typical product of today's society," said Dr Teo in a speech in November 2011.
"From young, I’ve always been under the influence and impression that to be happy is to be successful. And to be successful, is to be wealthy. So I led my life according to this motto."
Despite being born into a poor family, Dr Teo excelled in his studies and was accepted in medical school.
In medical school, he chose the quick way to big bucks -- by switching from opthalmology to aesthetics.
The move paid handsomely for him, and in the first year, his cosmetic surgery clinic 'was raking in millions'.
Dr Teo's newly-made wealth opened the door to high-society life. He loved dinning at Michelin-rated restaurants and rubbing shoulders with celebrities.
Dr Teo also loved life in the fast lane and, at the pinnacle of his life, owned sports cars like the Honda S2000, Subaru WRX, Nissan GTR and a Ferrari 430.
On how he would spend his weekends, Dr Teo said, "Typically, I'd have car club gatherings. I'd take out my track car and go up to Sepang in Malaysia for car racing. It was my life."
Dr Teo had no time for God although he had been baptised many years earlier. When his friends experienced a personal revival, they advised Dr Teo to return to church with them, but their advice fell on stony ground.
"In my arrogance, I told them, “You know what? You go tell your pastor to change his sermon to 2pm and I will consider coming to church,” said Dr Teo.
In his arrogance, Dr Teo also uttered the following statement to his friends, "If God really wanted me to come back to church, He will give me a sign."
It was a statement which he later said he would live to rue, because by the end of 3 weeks, he would -- without first being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer -- find himself back in church.
Said Dr Teo, "My whole world just turned upside down. I couldn’t accept it. I have a hundred relatives on both sides -- my mom's and my dad's -- and not a single one has cancer. To my mind, I have good genes, I’m not supposed to be having this! Some of my relatives are heavy chain smokers. Why am I having lung cancer? I was in denial."
Dr Teo also fell into deep depression. He searched for answers. There weren't any... until he heard an "inner voice".
"I said, “Woah, where did that come from?” You know, when you speak to yourself, you’d say [something like] 'what time should I leave this place?' [or] 'where shall I have dinner after this?'. You’d speak from a first person point of view...whereas the voice that came spoke as a third party. It said, “This has to happen to YOU, at YOUR prime, because this is the only way YOU can understand.” At that time, my emotions just overflowed and I broke down and cried alone there."
Dr Teo did later understand why the 'small inner voice' had told him that this was the 'only way' he could be made to understand. Explained Dr Teo, "I was just so full of myself that there was no other way I could have turned back to God."
God continued speaking to him.
Said Dr Teo, "I was in bed one afternoon, struggling and asking God, “Why? Why do I have to go through this suffering? Why do I have to endure this hardship, this struggle? Why me?”
"As I fell asleep, in my dreamy state, a vision came and said 'Hebrews 12:7-8'."
"Now, mind you, at this time, I had not read the bible [and] had no clue what’s Hebrews. I don’t even know how many chapters there are. Totally clueless."
"But it (the vision) said 'Hebrews 12:7-8', very specifically."
"I didn’t think too much of it [and] continued sleeping. After I woke up, and I said [to myself], “What’s there to lose? I’d check it out.” Danny (Dr Teo's close friend, who had previously advised him to return to church) had bought me a bible; it’s still quite new... So I flipped to the Old Testament. Hebrews to me sounds like something ancient, so it should be in the Old Testament right? So I flipped through the Old Testament. No Hebrews there. I was so disappointed."
"Then I said, “Maybe [it's in the] New Testament; let’s have a look!”. WOW -- New Testament; there’s Hebrew’s!! [And turning to] Hebrews 12:7-8, it said, “Endure hardship as discipline as God is treating you as His children.”"
"I said, “WAH!! Where did that come from?” I was getting goose pimples all over my body. I said, “This can’t be, right?” I mean, what’s the chance of somebody who has never read the bible to have a vision of a chapter [and] a specific verse that answers my question directly?"
"So at that point, I was sold [and] said [to God], “YOU WIN! YOU WIN!!”"
"From that day onwards, I started believing in my God. And the last time I heard that inner voice was [at] the end of April. And that inner voice -- same thing, in the afternoon, as I was sleeping. In a dreamy state, I just heard Him say, “Help others in hardship.”"
"It was more like a command, rather than a statement. And that’s when I embarked on this journey [of] helping others in hardship."
Dr Teo obeyed the command up to the day of his death. He reached out to numerous individuals, including single mothers, insurance agents, medical students, cancer patients and church members.
Mrs Teo, Dr Teo's wife, told The New Paper, "He wanted to inspire those facing hardships, that life has more to offer than to be filled with hatred and emptiness".
Dr Teo was adamant in getting his message across even as he lay sick and dying. According to Mrs Teo, a day before her husband died, his laptop was filled with new sets of photos to be shown to his audience. He had also been working on a new speech.
Dr Teo's inspiring testimony of God's dealing with him can be watched in the Youtube link below.
Broken City of Spiritual Babylon
In 2003, some Christian prophets received spiritual insight into the
spiritual leadership of the world that will emerge in the days to come. Nita Johnson shares this in her essay 'The New Temple of Babylon':
In December of 2003 I met with Sadhu Sundar and Vincent Selvakumar in India for a time of hearing the voice of the Lord together. Both of these godly men are prophets of the highest order in our day and time. I sensed that we were going to receive some important information from heaven during our brief time together. So, I had begun to prepare myself for this visit ahead of time.We were not disappointed in our expectations. The first night I was in Chennai I was given a vision showing me that we would receive critical links of wisdom and understanding about the near future. The links I saw were many; therefore I knew we would not hear it all over the weekend but that we would receive the first of many that would follow after our mutual departure. Also, I saw the links dance around in the sky then dip in a pool of water which represented the Spirit of revelation. So my ears were perked to hear what I might hear for the rest of the weekend.While Sundar and I were in conversation about something of importance regarding international issues, Vincent received a visit from an Angel. In this visit he was shown the following:He was told: The now “Broken City of Spiritual Babylon” will soon be raised up. The government of this repaired house will be as follows.Under the head will be 3 groups each containing 13 members.The first group would be the most powerful group under the head. It will consist of 13 cultic world leaders such the Dalai Lama.The second group also containing 13 leaders will consist of mature seer-prophets from the stage of Christianity.The third group would be made up of Priestly order workers, again coming from the commonwealth of Christianity.Under these three governing groups will be 169 leaders of lesser degree. These will carry out the instruction of the head.Leaders who are ordained to be part of the top echelon of the new true Church government will by in large be approached by the Satanic Kingdom in hopes of gaining their allegiance with the New Babylonian Empire until their pre-determined government is in its place.He was further shown something about the warfare that would be sent out against Christian leaders.The Angel told him that Satan had his top witches praying against Christian Leaders world-wide. Where did Satan go to find these witches? To Africa! One of Nigeria’s past leaders, a ruthless dictator sent word out across the globe inviting the highest people in the occult to bring their sorceries to Nigeria and to teach them to specified people who worked with him. Before that, Nigeria had witches, but not the caliber of today. Nigeria now has the top witches of the world working within its shores.Satan has three categories of witches working against global ministers.The first is made up of 13 men, the second consist of 13 women, and the third is comprised of 13 transvestites.Twice in the previous few months prior to my visit to India I had seen these three groups of witches in a series of visions. So, I knew immediately not only what he was talking about but who he was talking about. I had seen them in very clear visions. This work will continue against Christian Leaders until the end. During the initial stages of coming revival the work of the satanic kingdom will seem comparatively diminutive, but will nevertheless continue.Several years ago the Lord spoke to me in a vision. I saw a huge one story structure which had been constructed under the earth. In time a steam shovel came by and began to dig until it revealed this structure. In the next moment the building came bursting forth to the surface. It was filled with every kind of evil work and was ready to take the next step toward world dominion. My sense was that it was the Catholic Church in a new phase. That was the only way I knew to relate to it. I now understand that this house is actually the House of Babylon which will arise sometime after the Catholic Church is diminished.In 1999 I was ministering in Portland. While spiritually preparing myself for the time of ministry I was given a vision. I saw a city that was seemingly perfect in every way. It reminded me of the old movie the Land of OZ. The clouds were perfectly hung. There was a beautiful rainbow arched in the sky. Peace seemed to rule the city. Suddenly I saw an Obelisk come jetting up out of the ground and through the rainbow. As I beheld the new structure I became frightened as the presence of evil was so great. I asked the Lord what the vision meant. He said; This is man’s purposes setting itself against the purposes of God. I knew in an instant it was the Kingdom of the antichrist.Many years ago I was taken into a trance and saw a huge house built that was most magnificent and unusual. When the owner would be away, the house would close up and become a wall, when the owner would return the house would automatically be restored to a home. In time many leaders from all over the world came to look at the house and would stand in awe of its seeming beauty and architectural excellence. I looked carefully, watching leaders come and go. Soon I began to recognize Christian Leaders. Most of those who spent any time at all eyeing this innovative structure would end up buying into it, including Christians. I was aghast, but I didn’t know what to do.The Lord spoke to me telling me what I was seeing was Satan’s “Sure House”. At least Satan thinks this is a sure house. It is The New Spiritual House Of Babylon.All three visions carry the same meaning. They are all a picture of the New House of Babylon, that is about to emerge from obscurity.
New World Order,
Nita Johnson,
Sunday, 27 December 2015
The Testimony of Ruth Fatimah: Her Faith, Her Trials, and Her Miracles
Ruth Fatimah was born and raised in Singapore to a devout Indian Muslim
family, and this is her real-life story (as told by her herself), of how
she found faith in Him, of the subsequent persecution by her family,
and of the miracles that God performed through her life (including the
raising up of a dead child).
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Here’s How One Godly and Wise Father Dealt With His Teenage Daughter’s Increasing Desire for Worldly Things
Here’s a great story shared by the late Derek Prince. It can be found in the book Rules of Engagement: Preparing for Your Role in the Spiritual Battle
Many years ago in London, the daughter of a Swedish pastor lived with us for about three months learning English, which I taught her. She was a very beautiful, talented girl with a lovely singing voice. Her father was the pastor of the largest Pentecostal church in Sweden, and she had grown up in a very strict Pentecostal environment.
When this girl was about fourteen years old, she was listening to what all her friends at school talked about—all the pleasures of the theater and dancing and things like that. And she became more and more interested. So one day she went to her father and said, “Father, I want to thank you for the care that you’ve given me, the way you trained me and brought me up. But I want to tell you that from now on I want to go another way. I want to find out what the world has to offer. I hear all my friends talking about it, and I want to find out for myself.” And her father, who was a wise man, said, “Barbara, your mother and I will pray for you.” He didn’t argue. He didn’t say it was wrong. He said, “We’ll pray.”
That night, the daughter had the most vivid dream of her life. In this dream she saw two cities, and one was a big, modern, beautiful city. It was filled with lights flashing and glittering everywhere. Across a valley there was another city that had a different kind of light. It didn’t flash, it didn’t glitter, but it was steady and calm. While she was looking at the city with the glittering neon lights, a man introduced himself to her. He was very cultivated, very educated and very well dressed. He said, “I’d like to show you around this city.” And she went with him.
The further she went with him, the uglier he became. Soon she realized it was the devil himself. As she stopped there in horror, all the lights in this neon city began to go out one by one by one until the city was in total darkness. She turned to look across at the other city, and it was as bright and clear as it had always been. The next day she went to her father and said, “Daddy, I’m coming to church with you.” She was a wise girl. She listened when the Lord spoke.
Testimony of Ex-MediaCorp Actor Peter Yu and His Wife Brenda Leow
This is the amazing testimony of ex-Media Corp actor Peter Yu and his
wife, Brenda Leow. However, the video is in Chinese and there are no
English subtitles.
Individually, Yu and Leow attended church when they were young, but their foundations in Christ were not firmly rooted and they drifted deeply into the world.
When Yu divorced his first wife, T.V. star Quan Yifeng, in 2008, he tried to numb the pain of a broken marriage through gambling and clubbing. He met Leow at a club he had patronised, and subsequently, Yu and Leow moved in together.
The lowest point in their lives occurred when Leow attempted suicide after a serious altercation with her mother. It was at this point, when both Yu and Leow yielded their lives over to God, and it was also at this point, when the Holy Spirit could begin an amazing work of transformation in their lives.
Step-by-step, the Lord renewed them. Shortly after Leow’s suicide attempt, the couple started re-attending church. Later, they attended their church’s inner healing and deliverance classes, during which they were taught to confess all their sins. In so doing, they were baptized with the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by the speaking in tongues. The couple was so deeply impacted by the experience that they after that individually spent much time in prayer and worship.
Yu and Leow married in 2011 and they have a young son. Yu now works as a taxi driver, and although he earns far less than what he used to earn as an actor, Yu says that he is content, and indeed, as he shares his testimony, one perceives a great peace in his heart.
Peter Yu’s story was also featured on national television, on the programme 星期二特写:
Individually, Yu and Leow attended church when they were young, but their foundations in Christ were not firmly rooted and they drifted deeply into the world.
When Yu divorced his first wife, T.V. star Quan Yifeng, in 2008, he tried to numb the pain of a broken marriage through gambling and clubbing. He met Leow at a club he had patronised, and subsequently, Yu and Leow moved in together.
The lowest point in their lives occurred when Leow attempted suicide after a serious altercation with her mother. It was at this point, when both Yu and Leow yielded their lives over to God, and it was also at this point, when the Holy Spirit could begin an amazing work of transformation in their lives.
Step-by-step, the Lord renewed them. Shortly after Leow’s suicide attempt, the couple started re-attending church. Later, they attended their church’s inner healing and deliverance classes, during which they were taught to confess all their sins. In so doing, they were baptized with the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by the speaking in tongues. The couple was so deeply impacted by the experience that they after that individually spent much time in prayer and worship.
Yu and Leow married in 2011 and they have a young son. Yu now works as a taxi driver, and although he earns far less than what he used to earn as an actor, Yu says that he is content, and indeed, as he shares his testimony, one perceives a great peace in his heart.
Peter Yu’s story was also featured on national television, on the programme 星期二特写:
Friday, 25 December 2015
I Believe in Miracles; Kathryn Kuhlman Song: Music and Lyrics
Creation shows the power of God
There's glory all around,
And those who see must stand in awe,
For miracles abound.
I believe in miracles
I've seen a soul set free,
Miraculous the change in one
Redeemed through Calvary;
I've seen the lily push its way
Up through the stubborn sod
I believe in miracles
For I believe in God!
The Love of God! Oh power divine!
'Tis wonderful to see
The miracles that He has wrought
Should lead to Calvary.
I believe in miracles
I've seen a soul set free,
Miraculous the change in one
Redeemed through Calvary;
I've seen the lily push its way
Up through the stubborn sod
I believe in miracles
For I believe in God!
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Testimony of Malaysian Vincent Liow (Ex-Temple Medium Who Visited Hell) (VIDEOS)
Vincent Liow was born in Malaysia, and has an amazing testimony to
share. In this webpage, I compile all the videos that I could find of
meetings or interviews where he had shared his story.
Liow had worked as a temple medium for many years, and one day, was hospitalised due to a sudden health event that resembled a stroke.
In hospital, Liow had a near-death experience, during which his soul was transported to hell. While being tormented by the fires of hell, Liow called out to the deities he had served during his lifetime, but they either seemed unwilling or unable to rescue him. Relief only came after he, out of desparation, called out the name of Jesus Christ (a name he had remembered due to his school days in a Christian mission school), which led to the fires that surrounded him subsiding and his soul being released from hell and transported to the gates of heaven. However, Liow was unable to enter heaven, and was told that his time had not come and that he had a mission to accomplish.
That mission was to share with others what he had personally wtinessed and experienced, and his testimony can be viewed in the videos below, which were taken at various meetings or interviews.
Besides publicly speaking about his experience, Liow has also published a book, and for more information, visit his Facebook page:
Liow had worked as a temple medium for many years, and one day, was hospitalised due to a sudden health event that resembled a stroke.
In hospital, Liow had a near-death experience, during which his soul was transported to hell. While being tormented by the fires of hell, Liow called out to the deities he had served during his lifetime, but they either seemed unwilling or unable to rescue him. Relief only came after he, out of desparation, called out the name of Jesus Christ (a name he had remembered due to his school days in a Christian mission school), which led to the fires that surrounded him subsiding and his soul being released from hell and transported to the gates of heaven. However, Liow was unable to enter heaven, and was told that his time had not come and that he had a mission to accomplish.
That mission was to share with others what he had personally wtinessed and experienced, and his testimony can be viewed in the videos below, which were taken at various meetings or interviews.
Besides publicly speaking about his experience, Liow has also published a book, and for more information, visit his Facebook page:
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Malaysian Man Makes Miraculous Recovery from Brain Death; Part of the Brain That Was Surgically Removed Due to Brain Cancer Later Restored
Malaysian Tony Low was pronounced brain dead by not one but four
physicians, who advised his wife to give consent for him to be taken off
life support. However, about a week into brain death, he miraculously
recovered and lived to tell his amazing experience while in coma.
Due to brain cancer, Low also had a substantial part of his brain surgically removed, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed sometime post-surgery showed that the part of the brain that was removed had been inexplicably restored, confounding his surgeon.
Due to brain cancer, Low also had a substantial part of his brain surgically removed, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed sometime post-surgery showed that the part of the brain that was removed had been inexplicably restored, confounding his surgeon.
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
A Young Korean Artist Was Taken to Visit Hell and These Were The Pictures She Drew (WARNING: Scary Pictures, Parental Guidance Needed)
In 2009, a young Korean artist who was attending an all-night prayer
meeting, was visited by Jesus Christ. She was taken to see hell and told
by Jesus to draw what she saw, so that the world would know.
Below is her testimony:
As I was praying all night long, I was able to love Jesus more than ever. One day, Jesus came and said in my Heart, “I will show you the deeper things of Heaven.
I thought I was going to visit heaven, but instead, we visited Hell.
As I followed Jesus, I cried the whole time. I then began to hear moans, screams, and wailing sounds.
Most people have a misconception about Hell. They are deluded and think that if they "Only Believe in Jesus Christ," they will end up in Heaven. Some even think that once they die, there is nothing afterwards. People believe as they think, and therefore they live their lives as they please…
Jesus also showed me that as people watch violent secular movies, demons would actually torment the person’s soul without the person realizing it. As a person watches the scenes from TV, their soul is tormented and wounded. Watching secular TV does not help Christians develop a loving relationship with our bridegroom Jesus.
I saw that when people were smoking and drinking, that spirits of snakes filled the alcoholic drinks and the cigarette smoke.
Jesus showed me how people fall into Hell.
Jesus: I see countless people falling into the eternal deep sea of the fire of Hell every single day…Please tell the people what you have witnessed in Hell! You must tell them about Hell! Tell people how awful and gruesome Hell is! You must paint the scene of Hell as if you are within my heart. Draw the scenes with My aching heart!
They are falling into the Fire of Hell. Draw it with My aching heart….
He felt such pity for people who were falling into Hell every single day!
As Jesus witnessed the sins committed by man, He cried.
Satan and his demons would tie the bodies of sinners so tight with iron chains to control them. Therefore sinners would go deeper and deeper in sin.
I am pleading with you not to commit sin. Do NOT live as you desire. In Hell, the senses are hundreds of times more vivid than what we feel on Earth. The pain is more severe.
As I was painting the scenes of Hell, satan attacked me severely. But I wanted to show the world about Hell and the heart of Jesus through these paintings.
I saw people being tormented on a cross.
I saw people who did not want to eat the bread of life...(God's Word)
There were people who would not discuss the things of their lives with Jesus, but made their own decisions, and followed their own will.
There were people who drank and ate prohibited things.
Jesus: Please tell people who hurt each other’s’ hearts by their words that they must not hurt or wound their brothers/sisters in Christ. They must not say things without care or love.
This is how murderers, rapists and child kidnappers will be tormented.
The punishment for liars. (Proverbs 20:17)
Those people who stole money will be penetrated by arrows and needles. (1 Timothy 6:10)
In Hell, I saw a woman and her son who had died. In Hell they no longer loved each other. Because of the unbearable pain, they would do anything to escape the torment, even by stepping on each other.
Insects in Hell. These insects are for people who committed sins by their thoughts. They were filled with their own thoughts and knowledge. Covered by countless maggots, their entire body is wounded by large insects; going in and out of the whole body, mouth, ears and head.
Persecution of the gospel: The picture shows how demons would influence people to persecute, harass and kill the messengers of the full and true gospel.
These people were filled with their own thoughts and knowledge.
These people were obstinate in their thinking. They thought, "why would Jesus work in my life? Who am I? I don’t think He loves me. I am very evil. I don’t think He would love someone like me." They were also people who violated God’s word and ignore God’s commandments. They will be placed in an area similar to a frying pan, which was burning with Hell fire.
Those people who do not attempt to align their thoughts with God’s will end up in Hell. We must fix our minds and thoughts on God. This torment was for those Christians who did not share the gospel. They did not evangelize the good news to the lost. They ignored their calling. (1 Corinthians 9:6)
This torment was for the people who had ignored God’s word and still continued to commit sin. They are the ones who performed evil in the eyes of the Lord.
For those who worshiped idols, those that had evil thoughts and were stubborn in their ways.
Grumblers and complainers also wound up in Hell. (1 Corinthians 10:10; Jude 1:16)
There is a place in Hell for men who cheated on their spouses. For those who became gay or bisexual. They were penetrated by knives and spears.
For those who became sexually corrupt, their private parts were being pierced by demons.
Hell is endless, the torment are endless.
For those who would not repent.
A raging fire all around, with no place to escape. (Hebrews 10:27)
You must kill any devil that is living inside of you.
When we repent and pray before God, angel armies come down and pierce the demons with their swords.
Jesus said, "Focus Me. You must focus only Me."
When people repent, they cross over from death to life, and Jesus is waiting for them on the other side.
They drop their heavy load of sin, and start on the narrow path to life, and off the road to hell.
Jesus forgives our sins when we repent.
Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus!
If you do, Heaven is waiting for you instead of Hell.
The place where you could be joyful and have a happy life forever!
Don't go to Hell!!!
Below is her testimony:
As I was praying all night long, I was able to love Jesus more than ever. One day, Jesus came and said in my Heart, “I will show you the deeper things of Heaven.
I thought I was going to visit heaven, but instead, we visited Hell.
As I followed Jesus, I cried the whole time. I then began to hear moans, screams, and wailing sounds.
Most people have a misconception about Hell. They are deluded and think that if they "Only Believe in Jesus Christ," they will end up in Heaven. Some even think that once they die, there is nothing afterwards. People believe as they think, and therefore they live their lives as they please…
Jesus also showed me that as people watch violent secular movies, demons would actually torment the person’s soul without the person realizing it. As a person watches the scenes from TV, their soul is tormented and wounded. Watching secular TV does not help Christians develop a loving relationship with our bridegroom Jesus.
I saw that when people were smoking and drinking, that spirits of snakes filled the alcoholic drinks and the cigarette smoke.
Jesus showed me how people fall into Hell.
Jesus: I see countless people falling into the eternal deep sea of the fire of Hell every single day…Please tell the people what you have witnessed in Hell! You must tell them about Hell! Tell people how awful and gruesome Hell is! You must paint the scene of Hell as if you are within my heart. Draw the scenes with My aching heart!
They are falling into the Fire of Hell. Draw it with My aching heart….
He felt such pity for people who were falling into Hell every single day!
As Jesus witnessed the sins committed by man, He cried.
Satan and his demons would tie the bodies of sinners so tight with iron chains to control them. Therefore sinners would go deeper and deeper in sin.
I am pleading with you not to commit sin. Do NOT live as you desire. In Hell, the senses are hundreds of times more vivid than what we feel on Earth. The pain is more severe.
As I was painting the scenes of Hell, satan attacked me severely. But I wanted to show the world about Hell and the heart of Jesus through these paintings.
I saw people being tormented on a cross.
I saw people who did not want to eat the bread of life...(God's Word)
There were people who would not discuss the things of their lives with Jesus, but made their own decisions, and followed their own will.
There were people who drank and ate prohibited things.
Jesus: Please tell people who hurt each other’s’ hearts by their words that they must not hurt or wound their brothers/sisters in Christ. They must not say things without care or love.
This is how murderers, rapists and child kidnappers will be tormented.
The punishment for liars. (Proverbs 20:17)
Those people who stole money will be penetrated by arrows and needles. (1 Timothy 6:10)
In Hell, I saw a woman and her son who had died. In Hell they no longer loved each other. Because of the unbearable pain, they would do anything to escape the torment, even by stepping on each other.
Insects in Hell. These insects are for people who committed sins by their thoughts. They were filled with their own thoughts and knowledge. Covered by countless maggots, their entire body is wounded by large insects; going in and out of the whole body, mouth, ears and head.
Persecution of the gospel: The picture shows how demons would influence people to persecute, harass and kill the messengers of the full and true gospel.
These people were filled with their own thoughts and knowledge.
These people were obstinate in their thinking. They thought, "why would Jesus work in my life? Who am I? I don’t think He loves me. I am very evil. I don’t think He would love someone like me." They were also people who violated God’s word and ignore God’s commandments. They will be placed in an area similar to a frying pan, which was burning with Hell fire.
Those people who do not attempt to align their thoughts with God’s will end up in Hell. We must fix our minds and thoughts on God. This torment was for those Christians who did not share the gospel. They did not evangelize the good news to the lost. They ignored their calling. (1 Corinthians 9:6)
This torment was for the people who had ignored God’s word and still continued to commit sin. They are the ones who performed evil in the eyes of the Lord.
For those who worshiped idols, those that had evil thoughts and were stubborn in their ways.
Grumblers and complainers also wound up in Hell. (1 Corinthians 10:10; Jude 1:16)
There is a place in Hell for men who cheated on their spouses. For those who became gay or bisexual. They were penetrated by knives and spears.
For those who became sexually corrupt, their private parts were being pierced by demons.
Hell is endless, the torment are endless.
For those who would not repent.
A raging fire all around, with no place to escape. (Hebrews 10:27)
You must kill any devil that is living inside of you.
When we repent and pray before God, angel armies come down and pierce the demons with their swords.
Jesus said, "Focus Me. You must focus only Me."
When people repent, they cross over from death to life, and Jesus is waiting for them on the other side.
They drop their heavy load of sin, and start on the narrow path to life, and off the road to hell.
Jesus forgives our sins when we repent.
Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus!
If you do, Heaven is waiting for you instead of Hell.
The place where you could be joyful and have a happy life forever!
Don't go to Hell!!!
Lindsey Williams' Latest: Nothing Has Changed;. Not One Plan of the Elite Has Been Altered
This is the latest update from Pastor Lindsey Williams, that has been released on Facebook through his associate 'James':
Part of an email from James.
Pastor Williams called me a few weeks ago and asked me to prepare an update bulletin for his email list subscribers since he has been watching things unfold at rapid pace. The newsletter has taken some time to compile because every day another piece of the puzzle unveils itself. There is a lot of information so it may take some time for you to digest it. I apologize for not updating you all sooner. First of all, he told me that his Elite friend has said that everything told to him is still planned to go ahead as he told you all in his DVD 'Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015'. Remember, what was told to him was before the Federal Reserve raised interest rates, before the new world order was announced at the UN by the pope and before the climate change conference, which is about how the Elite intend to finance global government. The signs were there, the blood moons, the cycles of seven, but these were only the signs of things to come. These things happened as Pastor Williams stated before they happened.
Part of an email from James.
Pastor Williams called me a few weeks ago and asked me to prepare an update bulletin for his email list subscribers since he has been watching things unfold at rapid pace. The newsletter has taken some time to compile because every day another piece of the puzzle unveils itself. There is a lot of information so it may take some time for you to digest it. I apologize for not updating you all sooner. First of all, he told me that his Elite friend has said that everything told to him is still planned to go ahead as he told you all in his DVD 'Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015'. Remember, what was told to him was before the Federal Reserve raised interest rates, before the new world order was announced at the UN by the pope and before the climate change conference, which is about how the Elite intend to finance global government. The signs were there, the blood moons, the cycles of seven, but these were only the signs of things to come. These things happened as Pastor Williams stated before they happened.
has changed. Not one plan of the Elite has been altered. Everything is
identical to what they said they were going to do and what Pastor
Williams' Elite friend and his Wall Street insiders all said they were
going to do. Pastor Williams has made it a point to remind people not to
let their guard down because they are setting themselves up for one
horrible situation.
The articles below have been created to tell you what is currently happening globally. It has taken quite some time to compile because you need to know the full story. Each story laps over the others like a glove. There is no separation between the new global currency, the sustainable development agenda and how the New World Order. In order for anything new to appear, the old must fall away. The next fifteen years will see a complete change in our way of life. That is for certain. Unless there is divine intervention there will be no place to turn, nowhere to go that the New World Order won't touch. As national sovereignty is eroded into global government, the emergence of the totalitarian prison planet is already starting to appear from the shadows.
What has happened to us all over decades of secrecy, confusion and manipulation has been a total conspiracy on a global scale and whether you were aware of it or not, we are all complicit in its inception.
The articles below have been created to tell you what is currently happening globally. It has taken quite some time to compile because you need to know the full story. Each story laps over the others like a glove. There is no separation between the new global currency, the sustainable development agenda and how the New World Order. In order for anything new to appear, the old must fall away. The next fifteen years will see a complete change in our way of life. That is for certain. Unless there is divine intervention there will be no place to turn, nowhere to go that the New World Order won't touch. As national sovereignty is eroded into global government, the emergence of the totalitarian prison planet is already starting to appear from the shadows.
What has happened to us all over decades of secrecy, confusion and manipulation has been a total conspiracy on a global scale and whether you were aware of it or not, we are all complicit in its inception.
Lindsey Williams,
New World Order
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