Thursday, 31 December 2015

Prophet Kevin Mirasi: Year 2016 Will Be a Year of Turnaround

In a recent blog, Kevin Mirasi, a prophet, revealed what the Lord is showing him about the coming Year 2016:
The earth is about to welcome the year of 2016, but what is the Spiritual significance of this upcoming year. The Year 2016 will be a year of turnaround; it will be a year of very massive judgments of The LORD, but also a year of very massive revival.

In October 2015, The LORD made me know that the year 2016 will be a year of very historic judgments of The LORD i.e. there will be very many unprecedented distresses that will befall the earth in the year 2016. In other words, there will be escalation to an unprecedented level of distresses on the earth in the year 2016, in many nations of the earth.

The earth will start seeing increased levels of judgments of The LORD, but at the same time many will finally open their hearts to The LORD, even in the midst of the increased judgments of the LORD. In whatever situation or circumstance you find yourself in, be still and know that He is God; He will always shelter and Protect His own. There will thus be a Spiritual awakening to levels never seen before in many nations.

There will be an increased acceleration of confrontation between U.S.A and Russia culminating eventually to a military confrontation, conflict and war in the years ahead; 2016 will provide a platform for this.This He made me know way back on August 2013. Many more other distresses and judgments of The LORD will manifest on the earth and will significantly start to take shape.. Keep your eyes on events happening in Israel; she remains the ultimate timepiece of The LORD.

Many hearts will be opened to The LORD, in many nations, especially in The United States of America where many will finally run to The LORD in the midst of distresses of the hour, there will thus be a Spiritual awakening in the midst of the Judgments of The LORD, they will thus open their hearts to The LORD and be willing to partake of His Pure Word and Pure Message; the message of preparing the way for the coming of the LORD Jesus Christ, by embracing Repentance for the forgiveness of their sins through the Blood of The LORD Jesus Christ and thereby walking in Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ. Yet many others will still cling to their hearts of stone; the unrepentant heart.

So if you have been serving and worshipping The LORD in Spirit and in Truth, The Year 2016 is a Year when you need to continue doing so to an even higher manner. While if you have not been following the ways and the Requirements of The LORD, 2016 is a year when you can immediately start the journey on the Narrow path; the road that leads to the Kingdom of The LORD God Almighty in Heaven for the Eternal Life.

Have a Blessed moment in The LORD; Let the Year 2016 be a Year when you and me will Serve and Worship The LORD in Spirit and in Truth.

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