Well, the bible records that "the LORD rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire" (Genesis 19:24). Brimstone is the archaic name for sulphur, and according to this video, the present day location of Sodom and Gomorrah is the only place on earth where sulphur stones are found having 96% purity (elsewhere on earth, sulphur rarely exceeds 40% purity).
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Is Sodom and Gomorrah Truth or Fiction? (VIDEO)
Is Sodom and Gomorrah truth or fiction?
Well, the bible records that "the LORD rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire" (Genesis 19:24). Brimstone is the archaic name for sulphur, and according to this video, the present day location of Sodom and Gomorrah is the only place on earth where sulphur stones are found having 96% purity (elsewhere on earth, sulphur rarely exceeds 40% purity).
Well, the bible records that "the LORD rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire" (Genesis 19:24). Brimstone is the archaic name for sulphur, and according to this video, the present day location of Sodom and Gomorrah is the only place on earth where sulphur stones are found having 96% purity (elsewhere on earth, sulphur rarely exceeds 40% purity).
Sunday, 21 February 2016
The Danger of Seeker Friendly Churches
Seeker friendly churches – despite their good intentions in wanting
to draw in non-believers – can actually be harmful to one’s spiritual
This is because they compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ to such an extent that it becomes a counterfeit gospel, according to Rev. David Wilkerson (please see video below).
This is because they compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ to such an extent that it becomes a counterfeit gospel, according to Rev. David Wilkerson (please see video below).
David Wilkerson on Weird Manifestations in Church That are Wrongly Attributed to the Holy Spirit
In a sermon that was preached at a World Challenge rally in Moscow in
year 2000, the late Rev David Wilkerson (founding pastor of Times Square
Church in New York City and author of the well-known book The Cross and the Switchblade) addressed the issue of strange manifestations in some churches that are wrongly attribute to the Holy Ghost.
Jennifer LeClaire, news editor at Charisma, narrated the sermon as follows, in an article that appeared on Charisma Magazine:
Jennifer LeClaire, news editor at Charisma, narrated the sermon as follows, in an article that appeared on Charisma Magazine:
Wilkerson was an Assemblies of God man who was well acquainted with the Holy Spirit. He was certainly one to flow with the Spirit of God. He heard from God. And it grieved his heart to witness the rise of strange manifestations in the name of the Holy Spirit—manifestations that were certainly not of God.A recording of the above-mentioned sermon above can be viewed below:
In his sermon, Wilkerson tells a story of a woman who was confused about what was going on in her local church. She explained, “Many of our church don’t know what to do. We were having wonderful services. The Spirit of the Lord was with us. But our pastor thought there was more. The church wasn’t growing fast enough. And he heard of revival. He went to this revival. He came home three months ago. He got up to preach. And he started to laugh for half an hour. He couldn’t control himself. He just laughed and laughed. There was no preaching. And he told us, ‘This is a new move with the Holy Ghost’.”
I want to stress this point: Wilkerson went on to explain that this wasn’t a one-time incident at that local church. This wasn't some spontaneous outbreak of holy laughter. It went on for three solid months. There was no preaching for three months of Sundays. Only uncontrollable laughing. Wilkerson asked a pointed question: “The Holy Ghost who wrote [the Bible], who said, ‘The truth sets you free,’ will He cause the minister to laugh so he cannot preach this Word?” I'm not against laughing, but three months of laughing at the neglect of equipping the saints with the Word of God?
Without naming names, Wilkerson called out ministries where people barked like dogs and made other bizarre animal noises. He referenced unnamed churches where people hiss and wiggle on the floor like snakes. He described many strange manifestations—and explained how people call it the Holy Ghost. Fighting back the tears, Wilkerson said crediting these sorts of manifestations to the Holy Ghost makes Him look like a fool. Before the end of the sermon, Wilkerson was overcome with grief and began sobbing in his hands.
Philippine Catholic Church’s Response to Manny Pacquiao’s Comments on Gay Marriage – Is the Church Irresponsible to Homosexuals for Not Telling Them the Truth?
The Philippine Catholic church has defended boxing hero Manny Pacquiao for his opposition to gay marriage, saying he was only quoting the Bible.
Said Father Jerome Secillano, executive secretary of the public affairs office of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP): “This is really in the Bible. There is this quote he (Pacquiao) uses from the Bible and we cannot change that”.
According to The Philippine Star, Secillano, nevertheless, added that Pacquiao should respect homosexuals and not “judge” and “condemn” them.
“The church says that if this is your lifestyle, if this is your orientation, then we respect that. We cannot condemn them,” said Secillano.
However, Secillano’s comments seem to reflect a willingness by the Philippine Catholic Church to withhold godly truths just to appease the gay community.
In particular, the bible clearly states that homosexuals – among other people who commit a variety of other sins – will not go to heaven:
Said Father Jerome Secillano, executive secretary of the public affairs office of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP): “This is really in the Bible. There is this quote he (Pacquiao) uses from the Bible and we cannot change that”.
According to The Philippine Star, Secillano, nevertheless, added that Pacquiao should respect homosexuals and not “judge” and “condemn” them.
“The church says that if this is your lifestyle, if this is your orientation, then we respect that. We cannot condemn them,” said Secillano.
However, Secillano’s comments seem to reflect a willingness by the Philippine Catholic Church to withhold godly truths just to appease the gay community.
In particular, the bible clearly states that homosexuals – among other people who commit a variety of other sins – will not go to heaven:
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; New American Standard Bible [with emphasis added])In not confronting gay people with the plain truth, the Philippine Catholic church is being irresponsible, and gay people risk missing out on eternal life just because their spiritual leaders are man-pleasers rather than God-pleasers.
Philippine Boxer Manny Pacquiao: "I Rather Obey the Lord's Command Than Obeying the Desires of the Flesh"
Philippine world champion professional boxer Manny Pacquiao recently sparked controversy by saying that people in same-sex relationships “are worse than animals”.
“It’s common sense,” said Pacquiao. “Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female. If men mate with men and women mate with women they are worse than animals.”
According to the UK Guardian, Pacquiao, who is a conservative Christian, later apologised for his comment.
Nonetheless, through a Facebook post on Monday, February 15, 2016, Pacquiao appears to have explained his perspective, by saying:
Thank you, Bro Manny, for taking a stand for God!
“It’s common sense,” said Pacquiao. “Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female. If men mate with men and women mate with women they are worse than animals.”
According to the UK Guardian, Pacquiao, who is a conservative Christian, later apologised for his comment.
Nonetheless, through a Facebook post on Monday, February 15, 2016, Pacquiao appears to have explained his perspective, by saying:
I rather obey the Lord's command than obeying the desires of the flesh. I'm not condemning anyone, but I'm just telling the truth of what the Bible says. The truth from the Bible is what changed me from my old ways. 1 Corinthians 6:9
"[9] Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men."
Thank you, Bro Manny, for taking a stand for God!
"Must I Stop Being Gay to Go to Heaven?" An Ex-Homosexual Answers
As a former homosexual for 18 years, Bro Victor D. Romero
receives a lot of questions on the subject. Recently, in his Facebook
page, he addressed the question of whether a gay person needs to stop
being gay in order to go to heaven:
How the Antichrist Will Reveal Himself (A Prophetic Word by Bro Kevin Mirasi)
In a recent blog, Kevin Mirasi, a prophet, revealed what the Lord is showing him about how the Antichrist will reveal himself:
In The morning of 19th February 2016 in a vision (Supernatural dream) of The LORD God Almighty, The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, I see Barack Obama as a teacher addressing a group of very many students; whom I was amongst. He then started saying that: ‘“The earth has got many challenges including Global Warming, and the solution is nations coming together to put in place and implement Concrete steps to tackle them.”’
At that point in time, I lifted my hands and arose to speak. I then proclaimed in the midst of the students under the Power, the Inspiration and the anointing of The Holy Spirit: ‘“If the World has got challenges, then the solution is the Word of God, so let us return to the Word of God: The Bible, for solution to the Worlds problems.”’
At this point, The LORD made me know that Obama does not want to “alienate” other religious groups, so he was not comfortable with my assertion that The only solution to the World’s problems and challenges is the Word of God (The Bible).
It is very important to note that as Obama was talking as earlier stated, one of the People seated cunningly shouted “encouragingly” to Obama to “urge” him on: “Blessed is He who Revealeth Himself.” This was in reference to Barack Obama publicly revealing his agenda as the Anti-Christ to the whole world from the contents of his speech, proclamations and agenda.
In this vision, The LORD made me know that Obama as the Teacher was the Leader of The World, while the students were the people of the earth.
The vision of The LORD then ended.
The message that was imparted in my heart from this communication of The LORD is that the Anti-Christ (The Man of Lawlessness/The Beast/The Son of Perdition) is about to be revealed to the World; actually he is about to reveal himself to the World. From this vision of The LORD, it actually dawned on me that by his actions, agendas and speeches will the Anti-Christ reveal himself to the World.
The wise ones (those in tune with the revelation knowledge of The Holy Spirit) are and will be able to pin point him through the inspiration and the anointing of The Holy Spirit. It is very very important to note that The Holy Spirit reveals the Personality of The Anti-Christ to the Wise ones (who includes the Holy Spirit-filled Servants of The LORD) before the Rapture of The Bride of Christ, while to the rest of the World, the Anti-Christ is revealed to them (or rather, reveals himself to them) during The Great Tribulation Period (after the Rapture of The Bride of Christ).
He will actually be “subconsciously” revealed to them (majority of the World) during the Great Tribulation period through his agenda, speeches and actions of Lawlessness and abominations. Remember, “My People Perish For Lack of Knowledge.” So People will perish for Lack of Knowledge (refusing to surrender and submit to The LORD so that He may impart on them the Revelation knowledge of The Holy Spirit) as they will instead in their foolishness rush to take the Mark of The Beast that will be perpetuated by The Anti-Christ and his partners including the False Prophet e.t.c.
Monday, 15 February 2016
God's Way of Healing, According to The Late Healing Evangelist John G. Lake
The following essay/advertisment was written by the late healing evangelist, Rev. John G. Lake, and can be found in the book Fire of God: John G. Lake in Spokane (Pillars of the Faith)
. It nicely summarises his perspectives on divine healing through many years of ministry.
God's way of healing is a person, not a thing.
Jesus said. "I am the way, the truth, and the life." And He has ever been revealed to His people in all the ages by the Covenant Name, Jehovah Rophi, or, "I am the Lord that healeth thee," (John 14:6 and Exodus 15:26)
The Lord Jesus Christ is still the healer.
He can not change, for "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever," and He is still with us, for He said, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Hebrews 13:8 and Matthew 28:20) Because He is unchangeable, and because He is present, in Spirit, just as when in the flesh. He is the healer of His people.
Divine Healing rests on Christ's Atonement.
It was prophesied of Him, "Surely He hath borne our grief, (Hebrew, sicknesses) and carried our sorrows, and with His stripes we are healed," and it is expressly declared that this was fulfilled in His ministry of Healing, which still continues. (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:17)
Diseases can never be God's will.
It is the Devil's work consequent on sin, and it is impossible for the work of the Devil ever to be the will of God. Christ came to destroy the works of the Devil and when He was on earth He, "healed every sickness and every disease," and all these diseases are expressly declared to have been the "oppression of the Devil." (1 John 3:8, Matthew 4:23 and Acts 10:38.)
The gifts of Healing are permanent.
It is expressly declared that the "gifts and callings of God are without repentance,"' and the Gifts of Healing are amongst the nine Gifts of the Spirit to the Church. (Romans 11:29 and 1 Corinthians 12:8-11)
There are four modes of Divine Healing.
The first is the direct prayer of faith: the second, intercessory prayer of two or more: the third, the anointing of the elders with the prayer of faith; and fourth, the laying on of hands by those who believe, and whom God has prepared and called to that ministry. (Matthew 8:5-13, Matthew 18:19, James 5:14-15, Mark 16:18.)
Multitudes have been healed through faith in Jesus.
The writer knows of thousands of cases and has personally laid hands on scores of thousands of persons. Full information can be obtained at the meetings and Healing Rooms, 340 Rookery Bldg. Spokane, Washington. Also at the Masonic Temple meetings each Lord's day at 11 A.M. and 3 P.M. and in many pamphlets which give the experience, in their own words, of many who have been healed in this and other countries.
"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." You are heartily invited to attend and hear for yourself.
EM Bounds: Christians Are Obliged to Pray; Not Obliged to Grow Rich, Nor Make Money
Here's a timely reminder to Christian businessmen, from the late EM
Bounds, concerning their true priorities. The text can be found in the
book Reality of Prayer
Prayer is God's business to which men can attend. Prayer is God's necessary business, which men only can do, and that men must do. Men who belong to God are obliged to pray. They are not obliged to grow rich, nor to make money. They are not obliged to have large success in business. These are incidental, occasional, merely nominal, as far as integrity to Heaven and loyalty to God are concerned. Material successes are immaterial to God. Men are neither better nor worse with those things or without them. They are not sources of reputation nor elements of character in the heavenly estimates. But to pray, to really pray, is the source of revenue, the basis of reputation, and the element of character in the estimation of God. Men are obliged to pray as they are obliged to be religious. Prayer is loyalty to God. Non-praying is to reject Christ and to abandon Heaven. A life of prayer is the only life which Heaven counts.
God is vitally concerned that men should pray. Men are bettered by prayer, and the world is bettered by praying. God does His best work for the world through prayer. God's greatest glory and man's highest good are secured by prayer. Prayer forms the godliest men and makes the godliest world.
Jesus Christ was always a busy man with His work, but never too busy to pray. The divinest of business filled His heart and filled His hands, consumed His time, exhausted His nerves. But with Him even God's work must not crowd out God's praying. Saving people from sin or suffering must not, even with Christ, be substituted for praying, nor abate in the least the time or the intensity of these holiest of seasons. He filled the day with working for God; He employed the night with praying to God. The day-working made the night-praying a necessity. The night-praying sanctified and made successful the day-working. Too busy to pray gives religion Christian burial, it is true, but kills it nevertheless.
Glamorous Clothes, Glamorous Lifestyle, Drinking and Partying With Celebrities, Yet Feeling Empty and Depressed Inside… Until She Found God
The video below relates the story of a lady who had what many others
dream of -- a life of glamour, luxury, and friendships with famous
Yet deep inside, she felt empty and depressed… until she found.
Watch her amazing testimony below.
Yet deep inside, she felt empty and depressed… until she found.
Watch her amazing testimony below.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Can Christians Be Demon Possessed?
Can Christians be demon possessed? In his book “Demons & Deliverance In the Ministry of Jesus”, the late Frank Hammond, author of numerous books on deliverance, provides a helpful answer to that question:
No, a redeemed child of God cannot be owned by the devil! To redeem means “to release by paying a ransom price”. The price paid by Jesus for our redemption was His own blood:
A Christian is Jesus possessed, not demon possessed.
Much misunderstanding has resulted from the King James version having translated the Greek word daimonizoma as “possessed with devils”. A more accurate translation of daimonizomai is: “to be under the power of a demon.” There is a vast difference between being possessed (owned) by demons and by having demons. Webster renders possessed in reference to demons as, “affected by demons or invisible agents”.
The proper question is not "Can a Christian be demon possessed?” but rather, “Can a Christian have a demon or be under the power of demons”?
An honest assessment of New Testament teaching must bring us to the conclusion that the New Testament makes no distinction between believers and non-believers as far as demonization is concerned.
Therefore, if the New Testament makes no such distinction, then none should be made. The obvious conclusion is that both unbelievers and believers can be demonized.
How can we understand the demonization of a Christian? The question faced is: Can property owned by one person be trespassed upon by another person? Suppose a landowner has a wooded piece of property that affords good squirrel hunting. A trespasser can come upon that property and begin to shoot squirrels, but he can also be put off the property as one who has no legal right. This is precisely what takes place when a demon indwells a Christian. The evil spirit has no rights of ownership. Therefore, when the evil spirit is commanded to go, by the Owner or His delegated authority, the evil spirit has no choice but to go. Trespassers can be evicted.
Deliverance for Christians represents the eviction of trespassing spirits.
Another pertinent question is: “For whom is deliverance provided?” Jesus called deliverance “the children's bread” (Matthew 15:26), meaning that deliverance from demons is for those who have faith in Christ Jesus. Jesus declared that the children's bread was not to be given to “dogs”, meaning those who are ceremonially impure, or those outside the covenant of God. The gentile woman of Canaan, who was seeking deliverance for her little daughter, exhibited faith by her contention that even dogs are allowed the crumbs that fall from the master's table. Whereon, Jesus declared, “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was healed from that hour” (Matthew 15:28).
When evil spirits are driven out of a person, a spiritual condition is created which Jesus compared to a newly vacated house. He taught that if the “house” (person's life) is left unoccupied, it is susceptible to the return of the old tenant and his friends. Only a believer can fill his life with the things of Christ.
One who does not fill himself with Jesus and an opposite lifestyle from which he was delivered, is in imminent danger of ending up seven times worse than he was before.
No, a redeemed child of God cannot be owned by the devil! To redeem means “to release by paying a ransom price”. The price paid by Jesus for our redemption was His own blood:
Knowing that ye were redeemed, not with corruptible things. with silver or gold ... but with precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, even the blood of Christ. (I Peter 1:18,19)Therefore, a Christian is His purchased possession, “for ye were bought with a price” (I Corinthians 6:20).
A Christian is Jesus possessed, not demon possessed.
Much misunderstanding has resulted from the King James version having translated the Greek word daimonizoma as “possessed with devils”. A more accurate translation of daimonizomai is: “to be under the power of a demon.” There is a vast difference between being possessed (owned) by demons and by having demons. Webster renders possessed in reference to demons as, “affected by demons or invisible agents”.
The proper question is not "Can a Christian be demon possessed?” but rather, “Can a Christian have a demon or be under the power of demons”?
An honest assessment of New Testament teaching must bring us to the conclusion that the New Testament makes no distinction between believers and non-believers as far as demonization is concerned.
Therefore, if the New Testament makes no such distinction, then none should be made. The obvious conclusion is that both unbelievers and believers can be demonized.
How can we understand the demonization of a Christian? The question faced is: Can property owned by one person be trespassed upon by another person? Suppose a landowner has a wooded piece of property that affords good squirrel hunting. A trespasser can come upon that property and begin to shoot squirrels, but he can also be put off the property as one who has no legal right. This is precisely what takes place when a demon indwells a Christian. The evil spirit has no rights of ownership. Therefore, when the evil spirit is commanded to go, by the Owner or His delegated authority, the evil spirit has no choice but to go. Trespassers can be evicted.
Deliverance for Christians represents the eviction of trespassing spirits.
Another pertinent question is: “For whom is deliverance provided?” Jesus called deliverance “the children's bread” (Matthew 15:26), meaning that deliverance from demons is for those who have faith in Christ Jesus. Jesus declared that the children's bread was not to be given to “dogs”, meaning those who are ceremonially impure, or those outside the covenant of God. The gentile woman of Canaan, who was seeking deliverance for her little daughter, exhibited faith by her contention that even dogs are allowed the crumbs that fall from the master's table. Whereon, Jesus declared, “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was healed from that hour” (Matthew 15:28).
When evil spirits are driven out of a person, a spiritual condition is created which Jesus compared to a newly vacated house. He taught that if the “house” (person's life) is left unoccupied, it is susceptible to the return of the old tenant and his friends. Only a believer can fill his life with the things of Christ.
One who does not fill himself with Jesus and an opposite lifestyle from which he was delivered, is in imminent danger of ending up seven times worse than he was before.
Why Do Some Christians Die a Terrible Death? (Basilea Schlink)
Why do some Christians die a terrible death? The late Basilea Schlink explains in her book What Comes After Death?

Who will come for us in the hour of our death? A parish worker once related bow she had served for many years in a church that had a reputation for being especially 'religious' – the members were born-again believers. Yet at the deathbeds of some of these church members she was deeply distressed to see old people, believing Christians, die a terrible death. Indeed, the power of darkness could be sensed in the rooms of the dying. Later this woman was transferred to another church where the members were God-fearing in the truest sense of the word. And she noticed that the sick there usually had a much easier death. What could be the explanation? Jesus says, 'Not every one who says to me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven' (Matthew 7:21). Thus in the second church the members may have had less knowledge of God, but what little they knew they put into practice with God-fearing hearts. In the especially 'religious' church, on the other hand, the people may have known much, but done little – the great danger for us believers at all times. This is how Satan gains such power!
Those who are convinced that the angels of God will carry them into the kingdom of glory in the hour of death will have a terrible shock if instead they have to hear and experience Jesus' verdict one day that the first are now the last and vice versa. God revealed this truth most vividly to one of the fathers of Pietism, Jung-Stilling. In his well-known book about scenes from the realm of spirits, Szenen aus dem Geisterreiche, Jung-Stilling depicts a few figures wandering about confusedly in the realm of shadows, lonely and unhappy. Significantly enough, all of them had been believers, contemporaries of Jung-Stilling.
One of them complains, 'I am at a loss as to what to say. It was our firm conviction that we would be given precedence in going to heaven. But can you imagine, brother, I saw that many of those whom we did not think were born-again have been led by the angels in triumph into the kingdom of the blessed. But so far no angel has taken any notice of me.'
Of another soul wandering about sad and forlorn in this realm of shadows, it is said, 'A short while ago he approached one of the heavenly messengers, but the poor soul was burled far away by the electric shock that proceeded from the angel like a bolt of lightning.'
The souls are utterly bewildered at all this, for they had held this particular man in high esteem. 'His gift of eloquence and knowledge was so great that we acknowledged him as our leader. His exemplary life in the presence of God, his detachment from the world and his faithfulness in pointing out what was amiss in our lives convinced us all that he would receive a glorious inheritance here!' Instead this soul and all the others drift about in the realm of shadows in darkness, looking wretched and emaciated. No angel deems them worthy of a glance, for there is no trace of Jesus' image to be seen in them.
One of them says, 'If deception is still possible here, then the Word of God is not the Word of God! No, I believe that the souls whom we saw being taken away were being conveyed to places of purification. Perhaps it is evil spirits who have come for them in the guise of angels of light!'
The second replies, 'That's not the way it seems to me!' But their conversation does not lead them to any conclusion.
Then a third calls out, 'What do I see there? What glorious beings are these descending the mountains in the light of the rising sun?'
'They are angels who judge the souls [by this a preliminary judgment is meant]. Would you like a look?'
'Do you see Brother E. standing before the angel? 0 Lord, he's shrinking into a dwarf! Now a flame is shooting out of him! Do you see the terrible things in the red flame?'
'It is awful! Almighty, merciful God! He's changing into a monster . . . .' [His appearance now reflects his true self and being, which was so evil.]
The souls in the realm of shadows continue their conversation. 'See how he flies away into the night with a hissing sound, as though the flame were singeing him!'
The deceased now see another angel standing before a soul, who begins to glow with an aura of ever-increasing light. One of the deceased says, 'I know him. Is that not the schoolmaster Elias? He was very ill when 1 died. But surely that cannot be him. This soul is so transfigured, he looks like a saint. But the schoolmaster was not even born-again!'
An angel draws close to them. 'Yes, this indeed was the schoolmaster Elias. Now he is a prince in the land of the righteous and his inheritance is magnificent.'
The first soul addresses the angel, saying, 'Excuse me, O glorious one, if I may be so bold as to ask you a question. We cannot understand how this schoolmaster can go to heaven, when he was not even born-again. Don't the angels know what "born-again" means?'
The angel replied, 'Whether we know it or not is not the question – rather whether you know it.'
The believer answered, 'Praise God! I know it, for I have been born-again for over forty years. A person is born again when he recognizes his sinful wretchedness and repents wholeheartedly of his extremely corrupt state, turning to God and Christ in all sincerity.'
Now comes the most crucial point in the angel's reply: 'The concept in itself is perfectly right and the commandment it contains is a welcome duty to those who wish to go to heaven. But you sought to fulfil your religious duties solely with pious devotions, Bible reading, praying and hymn-singing. To be sure, you avoided the more obvious sins, but you harboured and fostered the more subtle ones, which are far worse – spiritual pride, feigned humility, disdain and criticism of those who were better than you. And not only have you done so, but you have considered it to be zeal for the House of God. You have always taken pains to know what to do in order to please God, but you have taken this knowledge for action.'
Do we too take our knowledge for action?
The angel went on to say, 'All mortification and crucifixion [of self] without true and active love is an abomination to God, for it only fosters pride. Who goes to further lengths in the mortification of all desires of the flesh than the fakirs in India? But who is more proud? As long as you have not cut off this source of pride and faultfinding in yourself, you cannot go to heaven.'
Thereupon came the answer of the souls in the realm of shadows, revealing their deep-seated pride. 'But in our soul we had the deep assurance of being children of God and the Spirit bore witness to us of this!' .
'The true witness of being a child of God,' rejoined the angel, 'is expressed in heartfelt humility. Remember how good the Pharisee felt in his heart when he could say, "God, I thank Thee that I am not like other men, that I am not a sinner like this tax collector." But how can this confidence [this superior attitude and spirit of criticism] be a witness of being a child of God? You have all been exposed before the judgment seat of the Sovereign of the world; your innermost heart has been laid bare and you can see your whole life lying before you with the utmost clarity and yet in your pride you aim higher still, laying claim to the Kingdom of God. Beware that you do not fall under the judgment of the rebels!'
But even at this admonition these believers had only a pious answer. Then the angel began to shine most frighteningly. 'Depart with haste, so that the wrathful fire of the Most High does not cast you into the outermost darkness! You think that your love is stronger than hell, but you have not even begun to love. Begone!'
Behind this scene depicted by Jung-Stilling are biblical truths. Jesus loves us and has paid a high price for our redemption. How much then must He yearn to take us into His kingdom as the fruit of His suffering and receive us there with the words, 'Come, 0 blessed of my Father. Enter into the joy of your master!' (Matthew 25:34, 21).
But what a grief it is for Jesus when, in spite of His precious sacrifice, souls that He has redeemed cannot enter His kingdom, even though they counted themselves among the believers! Much to Jesus' grief such believers did not take to heart the words, 'Depart!' and 'I do not know you', which He spoke time and again as a warning for those who were so sure that they belonged to Him. They took their knowledge for action, as the angel said. They were so confident that the gates of the Kingdom of God would be open for them and that they would be present at the Marriage Feast of the Lamb.
Let us remember the parable of the ten virgins - 'five of them were foolish'. The foolish virgins never imagined it possible that the door could be closed to them one day, for had they not gone out to meet the Bridegroom? Thus we could liken them to devout people who read the Bible, pray and are active in evangelistic outreach. 'On that day many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?" And then will I declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers"' (Matthew 7:22f). They incur such a severe verdict, since they had forgotten to do the simplest things that are expected of a disciple of Jesus, that is, of a believer: they had failed to do His will and obey His commandments not to criticize, quarrel, be angry or irreconciled, embittered, proud or condemning.
It was on account of these very sins that Jesus' wrath came upon the religious people of His day, the Pharisees. They clung to their sins, they continued to transgress without any qualms and refused to recognize Him as the Saviour, who had come to save and deliver those who grieve over their sins. Although it is an irrefutable fact that, as the Victor over Death, Jesus has delivered us from Death and the kingdom of the dead, we must claim this redemption and Jet it be manifest in our lives. Otherwise the hour of death will disclose that we did not truly believe in Jesus.
A true and living faith in Jesus Christ keeps us in constant touch with Him, the living Lord. The person that truly believes is convicted by the Holy Spirit of the sins he commits day by day- an experience that brings him to contrition and repentance. This in turn will drive him ever anew to Jesus, for as a sinful being who continually heaps fresh guilt upon himself he has to claim Jesus' redemption daily. This kind of faith bears the opposite characteristic to the faith of the proud, faultfinding believers in Jung-Stilling's book. Humility is its salient feature, a broken and contrite heart that does not criticize and condemn others or become aloof with a feeling of superiority, but rather seeks to be reconciled in humble love.
Soon the hour will come when Death will stand at our deathbed, when he will unmask and accuse us. Like all other princes of darkness he is probably granted the right to accuse souls; for as it is written in Revelation 12:10, Satan can even come before God to accuse men. Whenever he has an opportunity to accuse a soul, he laughs scornfully and exults with his demons, while Jesus and His angels mourn. But there is joy in heaven when a soul repents- even if it be at the very last moment as with the thief on the cross. Then the soul will experience that Jesus is the Victor over Death and has deprived the accuser of his power.
Who will come for us in the hour of our death? A parish worker once related bow she had served for many years in a church that had a reputation for being especially 'religious' – the members were born-again believers. Yet at the deathbeds of some of these church members she was deeply distressed to see old people, believing Christians, die a terrible death. Indeed, the power of darkness could be sensed in the rooms of the dying. Later this woman was transferred to another church where the members were God-fearing in the truest sense of the word. And she noticed that the sick there usually had a much easier death. What could be the explanation? Jesus says, 'Not every one who says to me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven' (Matthew 7:21). Thus in the second church the members may have had less knowledge of God, but what little they knew they put into practice with God-fearing hearts. In the especially 'religious' church, on the other hand, the people may have known much, but done little – the great danger for us believers at all times. This is how Satan gains such power!
Those who are convinced that the angels of God will carry them into the kingdom of glory in the hour of death will have a terrible shock if instead they have to hear and experience Jesus' verdict one day that the first are now the last and vice versa. God revealed this truth most vividly to one of the fathers of Pietism, Jung-Stilling. In his well-known book about scenes from the realm of spirits, Szenen aus dem Geisterreiche, Jung-Stilling depicts a few figures wandering about confusedly in the realm of shadows, lonely and unhappy. Significantly enough, all of them had been believers, contemporaries of Jung-Stilling.
One of them complains, 'I am at a loss as to what to say. It was our firm conviction that we would be given precedence in going to heaven. But can you imagine, brother, I saw that many of those whom we did not think were born-again have been led by the angels in triumph into the kingdom of the blessed. But so far no angel has taken any notice of me.'
Of another soul wandering about sad and forlorn in this realm of shadows, it is said, 'A short while ago he approached one of the heavenly messengers, but the poor soul was burled far away by the electric shock that proceeded from the angel like a bolt of lightning.'
The souls are utterly bewildered at all this, for they had held this particular man in high esteem. 'His gift of eloquence and knowledge was so great that we acknowledged him as our leader. His exemplary life in the presence of God, his detachment from the world and his faithfulness in pointing out what was amiss in our lives convinced us all that he would receive a glorious inheritance here!' Instead this soul and all the others drift about in the realm of shadows in darkness, looking wretched and emaciated. No angel deems them worthy of a glance, for there is no trace of Jesus' image to be seen in them.
One of them says, 'If deception is still possible here, then the Word of God is not the Word of God! No, I believe that the souls whom we saw being taken away were being conveyed to places of purification. Perhaps it is evil spirits who have come for them in the guise of angels of light!'
The second replies, 'That's not the way it seems to me!' But their conversation does not lead them to any conclusion.
Then a third calls out, 'What do I see there? What glorious beings are these descending the mountains in the light of the rising sun?'
'They are angels who judge the souls [by this a preliminary judgment is meant]. Would you like a look?'
'Do you see Brother E. standing before the angel? 0 Lord, he's shrinking into a dwarf! Now a flame is shooting out of him! Do you see the terrible things in the red flame?'
'It is awful! Almighty, merciful God! He's changing into a monster . . . .' [His appearance now reflects his true self and being, which was so evil.]
The souls in the realm of shadows continue their conversation. 'See how he flies away into the night with a hissing sound, as though the flame were singeing him!'
The deceased now see another angel standing before a soul, who begins to glow with an aura of ever-increasing light. One of the deceased says, 'I know him. Is that not the schoolmaster Elias? He was very ill when 1 died. But surely that cannot be him. This soul is so transfigured, he looks like a saint. But the schoolmaster was not even born-again!'
An angel draws close to them. 'Yes, this indeed was the schoolmaster Elias. Now he is a prince in the land of the righteous and his inheritance is magnificent.'
The first soul addresses the angel, saying, 'Excuse me, O glorious one, if I may be so bold as to ask you a question. We cannot understand how this schoolmaster can go to heaven, when he was not even born-again. Don't the angels know what "born-again" means?'
The angel replied, 'Whether we know it or not is not the question – rather whether you know it.'
The believer answered, 'Praise God! I know it, for I have been born-again for over forty years. A person is born again when he recognizes his sinful wretchedness and repents wholeheartedly of his extremely corrupt state, turning to God and Christ in all sincerity.'
Now comes the most crucial point in the angel's reply: 'The concept in itself is perfectly right and the commandment it contains is a welcome duty to those who wish to go to heaven. But you sought to fulfil your religious duties solely with pious devotions, Bible reading, praying and hymn-singing. To be sure, you avoided the more obvious sins, but you harboured and fostered the more subtle ones, which are far worse – spiritual pride, feigned humility, disdain and criticism of those who were better than you. And not only have you done so, but you have considered it to be zeal for the House of God. You have always taken pains to know what to do in order to please God, but you have taken this knowledge for action.'
Do we too take our knowledge for action?
The angel went on to say, 'All mortification and crucifixion [of self] without true and active love is an abomination to God, for it only fosters pride. Who goes to further lengths in the mortification of all desires of the flesh than the fakirs in India? But who is more proud? As long as you have not cut off this source of pride and faultfinding in yourself, you cannot go to heaven.'
Thereupon came the answer of the souls in the realm of shadows, revealing their deep-seated pride. 'But in our soul we had the deep assurance of being children of God and the Spirit bore witness to us of this!' .
'The true witness of being a child of God,' rejoined the angel, 'is expressed in heartfelt humility. Remember how good the Pharisee felt in his heart when he could say, "God, I thank Thee that I am not like other men, that I am not a sinner like this tax collector." But how can this confidence [this superior attitude and spirit of criticism] be a witness of being a child of God? You have all been exposed before the judgment seat of the Sovereign of the world; your innermost heart has been laid bare and you can see your whole life lying before you with the utmost clarity and yet in your pride you aim higher still, laying claim to the Kingdom of God. Beware that you do not fall under the judgment of the rebels!'
But even at this admonition these believers had only a pious answer. Then the angel began to shine most frighteningly. 'Depart with haste, so that the wrathful fire of the Most High does not cast you into the outermost darkness! You think that your love is stronger than hell, but you have not even begun to love. Begone!'
Behind this scene depicted by Jung-Stilling are biblical truths. Jesus loves us and has paid a high price for our redemption. How much then must He yearn to take us into His kingdom as the fruit of His suffering and receive us there with the words, 'Come, 0 blessed of my Father. Enter into the joy of your master!' (Matthew 25:34, 21).
But what a grief it is for Jesus when, in spite of His precious sacrifice, souls that He has redeemed cannot enter His kingdom, even though they counted themselves among the believers! Much to Jesus' grief such believers did not take to heart the words, 'Depart!' and 'I do not know you', which He spoke time and again as a warning for those who were so sure that they belonged to Him. They took their knowledge for action, as the angel said. They were so confident that the gates of the Kingdom of God would be open for them and that they would be present at the Marriage Feast of the Lamb.
Let us remember the parable of the ten virgins - 'five of them were foolish'. The foolish virgins never imagined it possible that the door could be closed to them one day, for had they not gone out to meet the Bridegroom? Thus we could liken them to devout people who read the Bible, pray and are active in evangelistic outreach. 'On that day many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?" And then will I declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers"' (Matthew 7:22f). They incur such a severe verdict, since they had forgotten to do the simplest things that are expected of a disciple of Jesus, that is, of a believer: they had failed to do His will and obey His commandments not to criticize, quarrel, be angry or irreconciled, embittered, proud or condemning.
It was on account of these very sins that Jesus' wrath came upon the religious people of His day, the Pharisees. They clung to their sins, they continued to transgress without any qualms and refused to recognize Him as the Saviour, who had come to save and deliver those who grieve over their sins. Although it is an irrefutable fact that, as the Victor over Death, Jesus has delivered us from Death and the kingdom of the dead, we must claim this redemption and Jet it be manifest in our lives. Otherwise the hour of death will disclose that we did not truly believe in Jesus.
A true and living faith in Jesus Christ keeps us in constant touch with Him, the living Lord. The person that truly believes is convicted by the Holy Spirit of the sins he commits day by day- an experience that brings him to contrition and repentance. This in turn will drive him ever anew to Jesus, for as a sinful being who continually heaps fresh guilt upon himself he has to claim Jesus' redemption daily. This kind of faith bears the opposite characteristic to the faith of the proud, faultfinding believers in Jung-Stilling's book. Humility is its salient feature, a broken and contrite heart that does not criticize and condemn others or become aloof with a feeling of superiority, but rather seeks to be reconciled in humble love.
Soon the hour will come when Death will stand at our deathbed, when he will unmask and accuse us. Like all other princes of darkness he is probably granted the right to accuse souls; for as it is written in Revelation 12:10, Satan can even come before God to accuse men. Whenever he has an opportunity to accuse a soul, he laughs scornfully and exults with his demons, while Jesus and His angels mourn. But there is joy in heaven when a soul repents- even if it be at the very last moment as with the thief on the cross. Then the soul will experience that Jesus is the Victor over Death and has deprived the accuser of his power.
Singapore Could Be Headed for a Massive Banking Crisis
Legendary Swiss investor Felix Zulauf, who runs Zulauf Asset Management, has warned that Singapore’s
largest banks are at risk of massive capital outflows if the Chinese
economy experiences a hard landing, which he expects will happen this
“We are in a down cycle that will end with crisis and calamity. China in today’s cycle is what US housing was during the financial crisis in 2008,” said Zulauf, who was speaking at the annual Barron’s roundtable.
According to Zulauf, Singapore has attracted a lot of foreign capital over the years because of its image as a strong-currency state, and will be extremely exposed to the situation in China.
Said Zulauf, "Singapore's banking-sector loans have grown dramatically in the past five or six years. Singapore is now losing capital, which means the banking industry is losing deposits." He added that this would probably cause carry trades to go awry, resulting in steep losses for those who had borrowed heavily to buy higher-yielding assets.
Zulauf expects that a banking crisis will first develop in Singapore, before spreading eventually to Hong Kong.
According to Australia's Financial Review, other analysts have also said that Singapore's three largest banks – DBS, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp and United Overseas Bank – could suffer a sharp spark in problem loans if the Chinese economy brakes sharply.
After all, all three are big lenders in the Asian region, with significant corporate loan books. The three banks could face a big jump in their problem loans if there is a spate of defaults by debt-laden Chinese companies, or from other companies in the region whose earnings are already tumbling as a result of flagging Chinese growth.
“We are in a down cycle that will end with crisis and calamity. China in today’s cycle is what US housing was during the financial crisis in 2008,” said Zulauf, who was speaking at the annual Barron’s roundtable.
According to Zulauf, Singapore has attracted a lot of foreign capital over the years because of its image as a strong-currency state, and will be extremely exposed to the situation in China.
Said Zulauf, "Singapore's banking-sector loans have grown dramatically in the past five or six years. Singapore is now losing capital, which means the banking industry is losing deposits." He added that this would probably cause carry trades to go awry, resulting in steep losses for those who had borrowed heavily to buy higher-yielding assets.
Zulauf expects that a banking crisis will first develop in Singapore, before spreading eventually to Hong Kong.
According to Australia's Financial Review, other analysts have also said that Singapore's three largest banks – DBS, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp and United Overseas Bank – could suffer a sharp spark in problem loans if the Chinese economy brakes sharply.
After all, all three are big lenders in the Asian region, with significant corporate loan books. The three banks could face a big jump in their problem loans if there is a spate of defaults by debt-laden Chinese companies, or from other companies in the region whose earnings are already tumbling as a result of flagging Chinese growth.
For the full transcript of Zulauf's interview, please click here.
Beautiful Pastor's Wife Succumbs to Temptation and Crosses the Point of No Return
This is an interesting story that appeared in Pastor Rony Tan's (Lighthouse Evangelism) book Clearing Cobwebs, highlighting how important it is for believers to watchful over temptations that are projected into their minds by demons:
Once, an evangelist was shown an open vision of a pastor’s wife. This lady was someone whom the evangelist knew.
The reason why the Lord had shown this evangelist a vision of the lady was because He wanted him to learn how demons operate. It wasn’t just for the fun of it.
In the vision, the evangelist saw a monkey-like creature sitting on the shoulder of the lady. This creature began to whisper to her, “You are so beautiful. You are too beautiful to waste your time with your husband in this church. With your beauty, you can go out into the world, make a name for yourself and earn big bucks.”
At first this pastor’s wife rejected the evil thoughts from the devil. The evangelist then saw the monkey-like creature fall off and run away. But then it came back on her shoulders again.
Temptations never completely go away. As long as we’re living in this world, the devil will always involve us in a guerrilla warfare. He attacks, then retreats whenever there is resistance, but he will come back to attack again. He attacks our minds in this manner.
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He soundly whipped the devil by the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. When the devil left Him, it was recorded that he left for a season.
That means he returned to tempt Jesus again and again. Jesus encountered every temptation with the Word of God and Satan was defeated every time.
The pastor’s wife rejected those devilish thoughts time and again. Every time she took authority, the devil fled. But the devil continued to return.
Then came the day when she began to listen to what the devil had to say. She began to pay more attention to those thoughts. She began to entertain and dwell upon them.
In that vision, the pastor’s wife suddenly became transparent and that monkey-life creature became a black dot in her mind. Now harassment had become obsession. It is easier to get rid of harassment than obsession.
Now the grip of the devil was tighter. Even at this stage, she could have rebuked and cast out the devil’s idea. But instead, she continued to feed on those thoughts.
Finally, the evangelist saw how that black dot in her mind went deeper into her heart. This time it became possession.
The lady went astray and led a promiscuous life. Still, the Spirit of God continued to strive in her heart, she stubbornly refused to repent. In fact, she deliberately and decisively rejected the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and told the Spirit of God never to bother her again. She consciously and conscientiously spurned the Spirit’s wooing and rebelled against God. She chose to serve the devil.
The Lord then spoke to this evangelist and said, “Don’t even pray for her because she will not repent!”
This lady had crossed the line to the point of no return. She was beyond redemption.
In this case, it was more than backsliding and denial of Christ out of a moment’s weakness. It was a deliberate and consistent choice to turn from light to darkness, and from Christ to Satan.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
"My Teenager is Uncontrollable!" Here's Help
"Help! My teenager is uncontrollable"
Does this sound familiar?
I would like to share with you how one parent received relief. His name is Jim Cymbala, and he wrote about his experience in his book 'Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God's Spirit Invades the Hearts of His People':
If you need support in praying for your teenager, I'd love to help you, so please do not hesitate to reach out to me by clicking the 'Leave a comment' link beneath the title, and write "Please contact me" in the 'Leave a Reply' box that appears next. God bless you!
Does this sound familiar?
I would like to share with you how one parent received relief. His name is Jim Cymbala, and he wrote about his experience in his book 'Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God's Spirit Invades the Hearts of His People':
“Our oldest daughter, Chrissy, had been a model child growing up. But around age sixteen she started to stray,…not only from us but also away from God. In time, she even left our home. There were many nights when we had no idea where she was.Only fervent prayer -- and nothing else -- can help your teenager.
As the situation grew more serious, I tried everything. I begged, I pleaded, I scolded, I argued, I tried to control her with money,…nothing worked! She just hardened more and more.
While this was going on, (my wife) Carol needed an operation. (During the post-surgical depression that followed), the devil took the opportunity to come after her and say, ‘You have a big choir, and you’re making albums and doing outreaches at Radio City music Hall. Fine, you and your husband can go ahead to reach the world for Christ—but I’m going to have your children. I’ve already got the first one. I’m coming after the next two!’…One day (Carol) said to me, ‘Listen, we need to leave New York. I’m serious. This atmosphere has already swallowed up our daughter. We can’t keep raising our kids here!’
Then in November, …I received a call from a pastor friend I had persuaded Chrissy to talk to. He said, ‘Jim I love you and Carol, but Chrissy is going to do what Chrissy wants to do. She’s eightenn. She’s determined. You have to accept what she decides. You don’t have much choice!’
I hung up the phone. I couldn’t accept Chrissy being away from the Lord!
God strongly impressed me that I was to converse with no one but God. In fact, I should have no further contact with Chrissy—until God acted!
Christmas came and it was nearly impossible to keep my composure, trying to open presents with the other children and no Chrissy.
February came. One cold Tuesday night during prayer meeting, I talked from Acts 4 about how the church boldly calling on God in the face of persecution. We entered into a time of prayer, everyone reaching out to the Lord simultaneously.
An usher handed me a note. A young woman whom I felt to be spiritually sensitive had written: ‘Pastor Cymbala, I feel impressed that we should stop the meeting and all pray for your daughter.’
In a few minutes I picked up the microphone and told the congregation what had just happened. ‘The truth of the matter,’ I said, ‘although I haven’t talked much about it, is that my daughter is very far from God these days. She thinks up is down and down is up; dark is light and light is dark. But I know God can break through to her, and so I’m going to ask Pastor Boestaaf to lead us in prayer for Chrissy. Let’s all join hands across the sanctuary.’
To describe what happened in the next few minutes, I can only imply a metaphor: There church turned into a labor room…. There arose a groaning, a sense of desperate determination, as if to say, ‘Satan, you will NOT have this girl! Take your hands off!’
When I got home that night, I said (to Carol), ‘It’s over!’
‘What’s over?’ she wondered.
‘It’s over with Chrissy…I tell you, if there is a God in Heaven, this whole nightmare is finally over!’
Thirty-two hours later…as I was shaving, Carol burst through the door. ‘Go downstairs!’ she blurted. ‘Chrissy’s here! It’s you she wanted to see!’
I wiped off the shaving foam and headed down the stairs, my heart pounding. As I came around the corner, I saw my daughter on the kitchen floor, rocking on her hands and knees, sobbing. Cautiously I spoke her name.
She grabbed my pantleg and began pouring out her anguish. ‘Daddy—Daddy—I’ve sinned against God. I’ve sinned against myself. I’ve sinned against you and Mommy. Please forgive me—‘
Then suddenly she drew back. ‘Daddy,’ she said with a start, ‘who was praying for me? Who was praying for me?’ Her voice was like that of a cross-examining attorney.
‘What do you mean, Chrissy?’
‘On Tuesday night, Daddy—who was praying for me? In the middle of the night, God woke me up and showed me I was heading toward this abyss. There was no bottom to it—it scared me to death. I was so frightened. I realized how hard I’ve been, how wrong, how rebellious. But at the same time, it was like God wrapped His arms around me and held me tight. He kept me from sliding any farther as He said, I still love you! Who was praying for me Tuesday night?”
I looked into her bloodshot eyes, and once again I recognized the daughter we had raised.
Chrissy’s return to the Lord became evident immediately. By that fall, God had opened a miraculous door for her to enrol at a Bible college, where she not only undertook studies but soon began directing music groups and a large choir, just like her mother. Today she is a pastor’s wife in the Midwest with three wonderful children. Through all this, Carol and I learned as never before that persistent calling upon the Lord breaks through every stronghold of the devil, for nothing is impossible with God.
For Christians in these troubled times, there is simply no other way.
If you need support in praying for your teenager, I'd love to help you, so please do not hesitate to reach out to me by clicking the 'Leave a comment' link beneath the title, and write "Please contact me" in the 'Leave a Reply' box that appears next. God bless you!
The Secret of Powerful Revivals Are the Intercessors Praying Behind the Scenes
Many Christians admire and wish to emulate great revivalists like Charles Finney and Dwight Moody.
This is a noble ambition, however, few recognise that behind powerful revivals are little-known intercessors who have prayed behind the scenes, sacrificially, for hours and days.
This point was highlighted by the late Frederick Julius Huegel, in his book The Ministry of Intercession
who illustrates this by narrating the life experiences of John Hyde
(who became known as “Praying Hyde” in India), Charles Finney, and
Dwight Moody:
This is a noble ambition, however, few recognise that behind powerful revivals are little-known intercessors who have prayed behind the scenes, sacrificially, for hours and days.
This point was highlighted by the late Frederick Julius Huegel, in his book The Ministry of Intercession
As a young man, fresh from seminary, [John Hyde] left home to take ship to India. On board, in his stateroom, he found a letter from one of the elders of the church of which his father was pastor. The letter contained a challenge, a question! Had John received the fullness of the Spirit for his ministry? Or was he trusting in his talents, his theological training? John became angry and threw the letter into the wastepaper basket. He stomped angrily out on the ship’s deck. He did not like this intimation that he was not really prepared for his task. But the journey, as it was made in those days, was long, and so John had plenty of time to think it over. He reread the letter and decided to seek the Lord for an infilling of His Spirit. The result was a might baptism of power from on high. John decided that his ministry would be one of intercession.
He knew that he would be misunderstood, but he stuck to his purpose. The history of Hyde’s ministry in India is one of the most stirring accounts of ministry activities in all the annals of Christian missions. Before the Siolkot Convention (a large gathering of missionaries and pastors from all parts of India), John spent thirty days and nights in ceaseless intercession. He groaned with groanings which could not be uttered. He barely ate and slept. Ah, but the result was a glorious outpouring of the blessed Spirit of God upon pastors and missionaries, the beginning of a blessed time of revival in churches all over the land.
It was a time of great quickening, a surging of new life from heaven, and joy unspeakable. The Punjab Prayer Union was formed, as many others were drawn to the ministry of intercession. But it cost John Hyde his life. After some years, Praying Hyde returned to his home in Indiana to die. The attending physician found John’s heart clear out of place. Such intercessions as John was wont to take heavy toll from the physical frame.
The story of the great revival that shook America in the days of Charles Finney is well known. May pastors sigh sorrowfully and say, “Oh, for revival as in the days of the great Finney.” But there was an unsung hero behind all this. It was Father Nash. Three weeks before the arrival of the revivalist, Father Nash would go to the towns and cities where Finney was booked to visit. There he would give himself to ceaseless intercession. Little wonder that the heavens were opened as Finney preached and that multitudes were brought to Christ.
A similar circumstance occurred in the days of the great Dwight Moody. The church as large owes a great debt to this apostle of evangelism. The story of those glorious days is well known. Not so well known is the story of the two women who ceased not to intercede for Moody when he was the pastor of a church which he had formed in a humble colony of Chicago, made up largely of urchins which he had gathered from the streets of the colony. It irked Moody that these two women should be praying so constantly for him. He felt that they should intercede for their pastor. The answer came on a day when Moody was walking on the streets of New York. He hastened to his room at the hotel and on his knees cried out, saying: “Lord, withhold your hand or I shall die of joy.”
He soon became a world figure. He was no longer an unknown preacher in a humble colony of Chicago. He was now an apostle who shook the country and on two continents led thousands to Christ.
What did it? The intercessions of two humble women who, as it were, besieged the throne of grace until their pastor was endued with power from on high.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Rejected Prayers (E.M. Bounds)
Editor's note: The below essay was written by the late E.M. Bounds and can be found in the book Prayer and Revival
All prayers may be divided into three classes: answered, unanswered, and rejected. The Bible and Christian experience are filled with instances of the first class. Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, and many others, men and women, received responses to their petitions. In the New Testament, Zacharias and Elizabeth, Simeon and Anna, Paul and Silas, Peter and Cornelius prayed and were answered. And we read of another
Of unanswered prayers we have some notable instances in the Bible. The ancient saints who prayed for the coming of the Messiah thought their prayers were of this sort. Prophets and kings desired it long, but died without the sight. Our Savior's last intercessory prayer that his followers might all be one is yet to be answered. The souls beneath the altar that have been slain for the Word of God cry for vengeance upon them that dwell upon the earth. Their cry has been put on record, but judgment is delayed. The promise of the resurrection and the life to come, of the new heaven and the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness are among the pledged but unfulfilled assurances of prayer.
Of rejected prayers we notice first the prayers of the wicked. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me" (Ps. 66:18). "Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me" (Prov. 1:28). "Unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?" (Ps. 50:16). These prayers are rejected because of the character or purpose of the petitioner. But we also find in the Bible that some of the prayers of the saints were rejected. Where human nature cries for one thing, and the Spirit of God dictates another, it is mercy that heeds not our request. An instance of this is found in the plea of the sons of Zebedee to sit in heaven on the right and the left of the Son of man. Several times they had been the recipients of special honor. At the raising of]airus's daughter and at the transfiguration they had been selected, with Peter and to the exclusion of the others, to accompany their Lord. Now that the kingdom of God seemed near they thought it would be a good time to make their claim. "Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" (Matt. 20:22). They said they were able, but when the time came they forsook him like the others and fled. Many times our ambitious desires are better refused. God knows what is best for us.
Again, we find one who had done much service for his Lord, praying plaintively that a thorn in the flesh might depart from him. How reasonable this appears! It was not for ambition's sake that he asked, but to remove a disability for service. It was a bodily affliction, yet so severe that he considered it a messenger of Satan sent to buffet him. Would he not be a better man without it? Three times he prayed, yet the jagged edge was thrust deeper into his side. There was no promise of removal, only the assurance, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9). How little do we know where our true gentleness lies! By suffering we are made perfect.
And lastly, there comes One who knew no sin and who had the assurance that all he had done was pleasing in the sight of his Father. "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me." If atoning blood had to be shed, he was ready to shed it; but why the agonies of the cross? Three times he prays, but the answer does not come. The prayer is rejected.
And yet in all these instances may we not safely say the prayer was heard? Do not james and john sit upon thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel? Has not the thorn long since ceased to rankle in the side of the apostle, only an honourable scar marking the place? As the maimed soldier is everywhere accorded the place of honor when the war is ended, so shall the marks of suffering in the service of Christ be the marks of distinction in the kingdom of glory. And after the resurrection we hear the risen Redeemer himself arguing from the Scriptures: "Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?" (Luke 24:26). Suffering and glory are integral parts of redemption. The prophets prophesied of the "sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow." The apostle argued that "we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." ·
All prayers may be divided into three classes: answered, unanswered, and rejected. The Bible and Christian experience are filled with instances of the first class. Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, and many others, men and women, received responses to their petitions. In the New Testament, Zacharias and Elizabeth, Simeon and Anna, Paul and Silas, Peter and Cornelius prayed and were answered. And we read of another
who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared. [Hebrews 5:7]These examples serve to illustrate the fact that prayers are not in vain. Often the answers come in time to be known by those who prayed. Sometimes the answer is sent before the prayer has been made. While Daniel prayed for his people, the angel Gabriel was sent to tell him that at the beginning of his supplication the commandment came forth. In Isaiah 65:24 it says, "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." If any man still lacks faith, let him hear the words of the Lord Jesus: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Matt. 7:7).
Of unanswered prayers we have some notable instances in the Bible. The ancient saints who prayed for the coming of the Messiah thought their prayers were of this sort. Prophets and kings desired it long, but died without the sight. Our Savior's last intercessory prayer that his followers might all be one is yet to be answered. The souls beneath the altar that have been slain for the Word of God cry for vengeance upon them that dwell upon the earth. Their cry has been put on record, but judgment is delayed. The promise of the resurrection and the life to come, of the new heaven and the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness are among the pledged but unfulfilled assurances of prayer.
Of rejected prayers we notice first the prayers of the wicked. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me" (Ps. 66:18). "Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me" (Prov. 1:28). "Unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?" (Ps. 50:16). These prayers are rejected because of the character or purpose of the petitioner. But we also find in the Bible that some of the prayers of the saints were rejected. Where human nature cries for one thing, and the Spirit of God dictates another, it is mercy that heeds not our request. An instance of this is found in the plea of the sons of Zebedee to sit in heaven on the right and the left of the Son of man. Several times they had been the recipients of special honor. At the raising of]airus's daughter and at the transfiguration they had been selected, with Peter and to the exclusion of the others, to accompany their Lord. Now that the kingdom of God seemed near they thought it would be a good time to make their claim. "Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" (Matt. 20:22). They said they were able, but when the time came they forsook him like the others and fled. Many times our ambitious desires are better refused. God knows what is best for us.
Again, we find one who had done much service for his Lord, praying plaintively that a thorn in the flesh might depart from him. How reasonable this appears! It was not for ambition's sake that he asked, but to remove a disability for service. It was a bodily affliction, yet so severe that he considered it a messenger of Satan sent to buffet him. Would he not be a better man without it? Three times he prayed, yet the jagged edge was thrust deeper into his side. There was no promise of removal, only the assurance, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9). How little do we know where our true gentleness lies! By suffering we are made perfect.
And lastly, there comes One who knew no sin and who had the assurance that all he had done was pleasing in the sight of his Father. "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me." If atoning blood had to be shed, he was ready to shed it; but why the agonies of the cross? Three times he prays, but the answer does not come. The prayer is rejected.
And yet in all these instances may we not safely say the prayer was heard? Do not james and john sit upon thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel? Has not the thorn long since ceased to rankle in the side of the apostle, only an honourable scar marking the place? As the maimed soldier is everywhere accorded the place of honor when the war is ended, so shall the marks of suffering in the service of Christ be the marks of distinction in the kingdom of glory. And after the resurrection we hear the risen Redeemer himself arguing from the Scriptures: "Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?" (Luke 24:26). Suffering and glory are integral parts of redemption. The prophets prophesied of the "sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow." The apostle argued that "we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." ·
For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. [Hebrews 2:10]
Amazing Testimony of Tony and Ashley Low: Recovery from Brain Death, Encounter with God, and Miraculous Restoration of Surgically-Removed Brain Parts
Tony and Ashley Low, both born in Malaysia, have an amazing testimony
to share, and in this webpage, I compile all the videos that I could
find of meetings where they had shared their story.
The couple were not raised in Christian families, but came from staunch idol worshipping backgrounds, which makes their testimony even more poignant.
The Lows are now residing in Melbourne, Australia, and have a teenage son. Tony's background is in business, while Ashley's is in banking.
Testimony Given at Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship Church, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 15th Dec 2013:
Testimony Given at Bartley Christian Church, Singapore, on 12 January 2014:
Testimonies Given at Other Churches (Date and Location Not Specified):
The couple were not raised in Christian families, but came from staunch idol worshipping backgrounds, which makes their testimony even more poignant.
The Lows are now residing in Melbourne, Australia, and have a teenage son. Tony's background is in business, while Ashley's is in banking.
Testimony Given at Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship Church, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 15th Dec 2013:
Testimony Given at Bartley Christian Church, Singapore, on 12 January 2014:
Testimonies Given at Other Churches (Date and Location Not Specified):
Friday, 5 February 2016
Be Enthroned (Neli Atiga, ENCS Music)(Guitar Chords)
C F Gsus G
A multitude before You
A multitude before You
C F Gsus G
As far as any eye can see
As far as any eye can see
F G Am
In awe of Your wonder
In awe of Your wonder
C F Gsus
We sing holy, holy
We sing holy, holy
C F Gsus G
Every tribe and tongue proclaiming
Every tribe and tongue proclaiming
C F Gsus G
Salvation belongs to our God
Salvation belongs to our God
C F G Am
All the nations bow before You
All the nations bow before You
C F Gsus
We sing holy, holy
We sing holy, holy
Gsus G
You are worthy, worthy
You are worthy, worthy
Be enthroned in our worship, oh God (x3)
Be enthroned in our worship, oh God (x3)
Dm G
Forever, forever
Forever, forever
Praise and glory, honour and power
Praise and glory, honour and power
It's Yours, it is Yours (X4)
It's Yours, it is Yours (X4)
© Neli Atiga
Leader of Heavy Metal Band Offered His Sold to the Devil. Then God Stepped in (VIDEO TESTIMONY)
As the leader of a heavy metal band, Kirk Martin loved the adulation,
the awe of being worshiped by his fans. He projected a wild, angry
image on stage – his anger perhaps fueled from being victimised
sexually as a child.
In an attempt to take his music career even further, Martin offered his soul to the devil. Within days, a record company contacted him to offer him a contract.
However, God stepped in miraculously, and Martin eventually never signed the contract. Learn about his amazing story in the video below.
In an attempt to take his music career even further, Martin offered his soul to the devil. Within days, a record company contacted him to offer him a contract.
However, God stepped in miraculously, and Martin eventually never signed the contract. Learn about his amazing story in the video below.
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