Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Pastor Who Showed Partiality Tormented in the Heart of Hell (Angelica Zambrano)

Angelica Zambrano is an Ecuadorian evangelist who has visited heaven and hell after prolonged periods of prayer and fasting. During one of her visits to hell, Zambrano saw a pastor who had shown partiality to the wealthy and to those of upper class.
Me and the angels with me left that place and began heading towards where Jesus was. I was very happy. When I approached the Lord he took me by the hand. When he touched my hand I felt as if I was a newborn baby being touched by a loving father. As Jesus holds my hand we began to descend towards a very dark place. I could see there were very large flames of fire. Jesus told me, “We are going towards the heart of hell”. “To the heart of hell? Hell has a heart?” I said.  
“Yes, my daughter, hell has a heart. I will show what is inside of it. There are many pastors, evangelists, prophets, and apostles in this place. These men once served me, but now they are in this location.” I began to cry. I said, “No more Lord, I don’t want to see this anymore.” I felt I had already seen enough. We continued walking.

I would refer to the path we were walking through as a dark alley. We walked up to some bars, like a gate. The gate opened and we entered. When we entered I heard the voice of a man crying out. He was yelling, he said, “Father, Father, get me out of here. I can’t stand being here any longer”.

I asked the Lord, “Who was that? He must have known you on earth because you said you would show me people who once served you. I don’t understand why he refers to you as ‘Father’, while he is in hell?”

The Lord told me, “He was a pastor”.

The man stood there pretending to be holding a bible. The man in hell was preaching, “Repent, repent brethren, church of Christ, you must repent!” I asked, “Why is he preaching here Lord?”

The Lord said, “What people did on the earth they continue to do in this place.”

When I saw this I began to cry, I asked “Why is he here? If he was a pastor why is he in this place?”

Jesus said. “Daughter, it is due to this.” I was shown His life on earth as a screen appeared before me. “On earth, he was a respecter of persons. He showed partiality to people of different classes in my holy place. Showing partiality is a sin. He preached many times from the pulpit showing partiality. Showing partiality towards people of wealth, towards people who were upper class, those people had money, but they did not fear my Word. He showed partiality to those people who did not have Godly fear in their hearts.”

I cried and said, “Lord, I did not know that showing partiality was a sin.” He said, “Yes daughter, many people wanted to serve me and be part of his church, but he didn’t allow them to participate. This pastor never repented from showing partiality. Because of this sin, many people never came to me. Because of this sin, many people never came to me. This is why he is in this place. Even here, in hell, he preaches my Word with partiality.” In hell, this man would approach souls and say. “Take this, I share my bible with you, preach.”

He looked at Jesus and said, “Father, I can’t stand being here any longer. Take me out of
this place! I don’t want to sin anymore. Give me another chance!”

The Lord answered him, “There is no more opportunity for you, and you are too late”.

When the Lord said that, he began cursing blasphemy.

There are congregations everywhere that practice partiality. This is a sin. Every soul has an equal calling for salvation. Although it seems insignificant, partiality is a great sin. The Lord told me to tell people, “Don’t practice partiality, it is a sin”. I said, “Alright Lord, I want to go with the angels now.”
Indeed, James 2:9 (NASB) reads: "But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors."

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