Friday, 5 February 2016

Mary K. Baxter & Pastor Jamerson: After the Rapture, the Believers Who Remain Will Be Rounded Up and Beheaded by Guillotine, Unless They Receive the Mark of the Beast

Mary Katherine Baxter was an ordinary housewife until Jesus Christ appeared to her on 40 consecutive nights and took Mary on a tour of Hell and Heaven. She walked, with Jesus, through the horrors of hell, and she has described what she has seen and experienced in her book ‘A Divine Revelation of Hell’.

Besides seeing hell and heaven, Mary also received warnings from Jesus Christ about the endtimes. She shared her endtime warnings in an interview with Pastor Jamerson. Below, please find an edited transcript and the Youtube video of the interview.

Mary Katherine Baxter:
What I saw was that in the endtimes, the church was caught up.

And then I saw the world and the American flag was burned. And I saw army troops all over the world. And I said, “Lord, where are the Christians?”

And He said, “Look”.

And I could see no one praising God. I saw army trucks come in with guns and barricade, and coming in, putting people into the big trucks, and taking them to places to be tormented

I saw people with marks on their heads – (gesturing to her forehead) three ‘6’s up here – and on their hands. And the peoples who would not take the mark were beheaded.

I saw awful, awful things on the face of this earth.

I saw beast that looked like part-man and part-beast walking around.

And Jamerson shared with me today about another lady (a young Christian) who had a similar vision.

People need to get ready for the coming of the Lord. The word of God is coming to pass very quickly. And it is not to put the fear into people, that God would smush them. It is to let them know that God expects us to turn to Him, and to turn from our sin (you know) to truth and righteousness, and let Him clean up our lives.

And He will help us overcome everything. And He loves us; Jesus loves us.

And people need to know the love of God. Yet they need to know what is coming on the earth, and He promised that He would let us foreknow things coming on the face of the earth.
Pastor Jamerson:
I have given this book (i.e. Mary Baxter’s ‘A Divine Revelation of Hell’ book) to many people and I have given this tape to many people too…

This sister I gave this book to is – her husband that I led to the Lord (he was on one of our videos). I led him to the Lord about 4 years ago and his wife got saved too and I gave them this book. And immediately they began to read the book and it shook them up so much.

The next night, this sister went to bed, and immediately woke up in this dream.

In her dream, she woke up, and she and her husband were looking for their little kids. They have 2 children. And she woke up looking for them but she couldn’t find them. In her dream, she woke up her husband, and they looked, and ran outside. Once they ran outside, they saw other individuals running outside also looking for their kids. And she looked up to the air, and she saw hundreds of thousands of people – most of them were kids – going up to the air. And a voice said: “This is the rapture. They are taken away.”

And she said out of a sudden from nowhere (just like your vision Miss Baxter) army trucks began to come all over America and began to bum rush the territories in the cities, all the different cities, and they took trucks, and they began to take people out of their households, and put them into these trucks.

They took her to these buildings, which reminded her of an aid office, where you receive financial aid or whatever situation you might be in.

And she said that they would sit them down and tell them to take this mark (Mary Baxter can be head in the background saying: “Yes, I saw the same thing”). And if you don’t take this mark, you are going to be killed.

And she said she’d seen a group of people running around and they said they were Christians. And they’d began to praise the Lord and chant “Jesus is Lord”.

And the more they began to chant “Jesus is Lord”, they were snatched up into different rooms.

And she said she heard them being tormented in different rooms, crying and hollowing and screaming out: “Jesus”

And she said, “Lord, wait a minute. I am a Christian, what am I doing here? I prayed to you and I was in Your Word”

And she said that a voice spoke to back to her and said, “The reason you are here, Micky, is because you didn’t preach my word.”

And she said: “Well, Lord, why is my husband here?”

“And the reason your husband is here is because he had unforgiveness in his heart.”

From there, they let her go to the washroom area. And she said that they gave them 3 minutes to let them do what they needed to do.

She said that the water would come on. And when the water would come on, the people were washing their hair.

And the lady got soap in her eyes and she began to cry. She wanted to take the mark, because she couldn’t get the soap out of her eyes, because they had immediately cut off the water.

Micky told her, “You can have my water.” And then she said “Don’t take the mark”.

She said that she came back down. She saw a special bulletin on the TV (the TV was embedded on the wall; like a hospital wall).

And on the television set, a special bulletin came on. It was a man, with a sneaky smile and said something like “Yes, hundreds of people, or thousands, are missing all over the nation. Could this be the rapture?”

He was sarcastic. “Could this be Jesus coming back?” “Nah, I doubt it. Wait a minute. Let’s have a word from our president.”

And she said that all of a sudden, she saw the president. Bush had lost the Presidency when she had had this dream. And she said that it wasn’t Bush. She said that that Lord covered up his face and the only thing she could see was his hand and hear his voice. And he was lying to the public and everybody was buying it.

And suddenly, they snatched her up. They told her, “Come!”

And they began to march single line down this tunnel. And on this tunnel they were walking through, she heard voices of different individuals crying and screaming out to Jesus: “Jesus, Jesus, have mercy I love you, Lord. I love you, Lord. I am about to die. I am about to dieeeee (Pastor Jamerson claps his hands to imitate the sound of a guillotine hitting the ground)”… and it would get cut off.

And she began to march down the stream and she sees the other end of the tunnel. There were hundreds of them going across.

She said that when she got to the other building, there was a whole room of guillotines. And the guillotines -- people were actually getting their heads cut off.

She said for the people who were taking the mark of the beast, when they took it on with their right hand, it would immediately appear on their foreheads. And she said that you can see that thing in the spirit, and in the physical. And she said that you can see it.

And when she walked towards the other building, she said that she saw a whole bunch of people. People whom she thought were regular human beings but they were really demon spirits. They had black capes on, hoods over their faces, but their eyes were like demon eyes. And their hands were like snake skins – (gesturing to Mary Baxter) like you said about the heart of hell.

These demons were cold blood killers. And the Lord spoke: “This is what I mean when I said ‘woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short’. These were demon spirits manifested in the flesh to act like people, but they have a heart to kill people.

And she said that they began to take people and chop their head off.

And they chopped her and her husband’s head off, and their spirits immediately went up to heaven. And she was up there with the children and other people.

But the thing about this dream, Miss Baxter, was that the people that were up in heaven – her kids, the age was one and a half, and this dream was three and half years later. Like it is right around the corner. I am not saying that that that is accurate and that what they said is coming to pass.

What I am saying here is that warning comes before destruction. If the watchmen see the war coming and don’t blow the trumpet, the bible says, their blood shall be on our hands.

That’s why what you said, Miss Baxter, is very important for the pubic to understand. It’s no joke. Jesus is coming back soon.
Mary Katherine Baxter:
Yes, and it is the sins in their hearts that is going to keep them from the rapture. If they have unforgiveness… in Galatians 5, if you have unforgiveness in your heart, you got to get that out because you can’t go to heaven. And this is so true, that the nations need to have understanding what God is telling us today.

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